Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 12:50 AM

Ha, in school.
Reason that I blog: Cause, no body's gonna read my blog if i don't post something! ):
Yes, that why.
Okay, School tomorrow, i mean later.
Monday Blues. :O
I haven finish my homework!
I really really really wanted to do my homework.
But, i was having a bad, really bad headache.
Pain until, i walk feel like i'm gonna fall down. Seriously.
I shall share my plan.
I'll work hard and prove to myself,
that i can get those good grades if i work hard for it.
AND, I'm going to do so.
I need to put in more effort in my studies!
I shall go and sleep now!
Night lovelies.
Loveyou all!
Miss me, will blog soon.
Read my twits, i update often. (:
Labels: blog next time.
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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