After that, we walked and shopped around.
Haha, we're like tourist there. :O
Cause, There're three malls there.
We were searching for Sakae Sushi. Ha, it was at Century Square.
As you know, we don't stay there and also seldom go there.
So, we went around the three malls there to look for Sakae.
And, we even needed to ask the Customer Service to locate where's Sakae.
So, Tadaaah. We went there!
Guess how we ordered our food?
It's through a mouse which is really stupid.
There's the ball inside, but when you put it on flat ground it won't move.
So, no choice!
I had to use this method, which needs alot of patience!
Saw it, my fingers moving that ball.
Like if you want the mouse to go up, you've to roll it down.
Super stupid right? (just agree with me)
Paterlin's Favourite, always-ordered.
Salmon fish, Ha. I don't like it raw, i like it cooked. (:
We ate till super full, HAHA.
After that, we went to Bottle Tree Park.
We went fishing!
Yes, fishing, in a kiddy way.
We had a small fish tank, and a net.
It's 10bucks to catch those fishes, for as long as you want to.
And, it's not that easy to catch those fish lor. You need to bend till your back pain still haven catch those pretty fish.

Yuck, all the rocks that we step are super digusting as it have algae on it!

Oh, we made three new friends,
They're super brave.
One of Paterlin's fish jumped out of her tank, then the three little girls quickly took the cover to dig up the fish. Super scary. Even i don't dare to do that, D:
Best of all.
We can bring all our fishes home! :D
And, my eyes are super tired after that, strain too much.
The fishes swim very fast, and always act-dead.
I think fishes are quite smart. (:
I shall end this post with my unglam and ugly pictures!
(don't laugh)

I'm tired.
Now's 3.30 am already.
& later going out with mummy.
Nights sweeties,
Loveyou all!