Wednesday, January 26, 2011 @ 2:38 AM
I just feel like updating this empty dead space.
10 random things before I sleep:
1. I want natural beauty.
2. Mc tmrw? (heehee)
3. I miss all my fav. girls <3 <3 <3
4. I feel fat fat fatz.
5. Jae posting result's out in the morning. (k excited!!!)
6. I need facial + manicure + pedicure badly.
7. I miss school (never thought I'll say that!)
8. I think I should shed another 5-10kgs. (:
9. I like calling myself 'princess'.
10. Goodnight. <3
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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