Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 12:21 AM
18th company (for now)
Yesterday was sec 4s and 5s last parade before our 'O' and 'N' levels. I don't know why, but i'm kinda missing the parades now.
It's tiring to wake up early on a Saturday morning to attend cca, when i can sleep till 3pm in the afternoon. what's worse, I'm always late. (and i've to run 2 rounds around the parade square)
no more waking up early on Saturday mornings,
no more being late for cca,
no more drills,
no more polishing of boots,
no more wearing of full-u,
Goodbye Girls' Brigade 18th coy. (ha ha unless i go back)
TODAY(yesterday) WAS A BLAST, thank you all sec3s. (:
Games was the best part in the whole parade though we(sec4s and 5s) got all wet and soapy inside-out. In the first game, I was already drenched from head-to-toes. I swear(no i can't) but it was freaking C.O.L.D. The game goes like this, we've to protect our hula-hoop which was covered with newspaper when the lower sec threw the water bombs at us! My team mates, Sheryl & Suying. We wanted to make our's waterproof so we cleverly hid the leaves(which we found) in the newpapers. BUT IT DID NOT TURN OUT WATERPROOF. The next game was easy-peasy, i likey. cos' i got through the very first round. (proud of myself) Captain's ball(balloon), was a failure. The last game was the worst, we got all soapy. Imagine, having to roll over a sheet of i-don't-know-what + soapy water + (i saw mud) a few times. Disgusting ttm please.
That's how our redesigned hula-hoops looked like.
We thought we could protect it, but ..

Protect, Protected, cmi.
(i accidentally deleted the picture which we were all drenched) Party was next and after that sang vesper. (fast forward)
Lunch @ Mos + camwhore session (:
Amk hub, with Xuewen, Selena and Ma-hair. After met sister and had dinner there. (:
(i'm too lazy to elaborate)
I shall end this post with my favourite picture (:

Lastly, i love 18th company.
I'll miss all of you, (L)
Loveyou all!