Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Jonathan's style:

Selena and me:

We were very bored during class chapel. This is the before picture.

And the after! Ok this is how bored we were! Super cute right! We were proud of our work! (:

Another one.

I know this looks super cute right!!! (:

Selena looks so cute here. Ha ha.

After school>Cwp>longjohns>northpoint>admiralty>home
Ok now I'm watching teevee and having grapes. Yay.
Saturday, April 24, 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Ha ha ha @ my unglam face!

Conversation (:

Studied @ home(yes I really study), macs for dins, kinda studied(self drawn rings yay) there, daddy drove us home. (:
I'm (quite)addicted to charadium on iPhone, play with me, (username: vnwt)
Ok now I will and go study, but before that...charadium! (;
Tmrw I'm going to do cip @ Ace the Place. (: and later study study studyyyyyyy.
Loveyou all!
Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Vicki, please start studying. Concentrate, remember time's precious. When it's gone, it won't come back.
Plan your time and study and study and study and study. Stop wasting time!!! Study now.
Mid year's in a week's time. Goodluck, God bless (;
Sunday, April 18, 2010 @ 2:57 PM

Chicago, was awesome! The moves are oh-so-sexy and sharp. It's a must watch. :D
Went to do cip @ siling primary. I taught the cutest boy. Haha, he's so adorable. He talk to me and such. Plus, he told me how he made the eraser dust(?) which is his eraser. Anways, he's super cute! (:
Went to run for water.
I have 3 blisters on my feet now, it's super pain. I feel so power, I ran with sneakers. Cos mummy told me it was a walkathon. (yeah so I wore sneakers-dumb move) I ran for 6km in less than an hour. No,it's less than 50minutes! Yay! (I feel so accomplished, I never ran for 6km before!) yay!
Before the run,

After the run,

Ha ha, I signed on the board!

Yes I know my face is very red.

Tuition starts at 8pm, I shall go and rest. No, I've yet complete my homework. ):
(my blisters really super pain ): )
Ohyah, happy birthday Toh Jia Xin!
Loveyou all!