Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 6:00 PM
hi i just came home, am still in my pe attire now.
and i stink in it.
going out for dinner now. (it's so early)
i need 5 drawings by tmr, omg.
and i've math test, omgomg.
i need time,
i need to concentrate in class, but it's so boring.
i keep dozing off in class. :O
anyone knows how to keep awake in class? (tag me)
Loveyou all!
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @ 9:27 PM
tired, very tired
yeah, i'm very tired nowadays.
i go to school with a sleepy look, and eat candies to keep me awake.
damn, i think i'm growing fatter. (i eat sweets everydayyyy ]: )
Alot of homework, very lil' time.
maybe cos' i didn't plan my time well,
heavy eyebags and dark eye circles are in style. (almost everyone have that now :O)
I've to go and do my homework,
& study now.
(though i'm feeling very tired nowwww)
Loveyou all!
Saturday, January 9, 2010 @ 10:51 PM
should i study now? or tmr morning?
today's gathering was great. (:
lunch @ Astons.
talked under some unknown block.
home, bathed and am very tired.
(ok i've decided, i shall study tmr morning.)
Cos I Am Very Tired Now.
Loveyou all!
chemistry test + physics test = ? (d.i.e)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 5:16 PM
I really loved that surprise Xuewen and Huitian gave me on the first day of school. its a belated birthday celebration i think. haa.
they placed presents into my bag without me realising it.
i realised it 15minutes later. k, i know i'm slow.
they gave me many hints to open my bag. HA HA.
after that, we went to causewaypoint.
haa, how cute were they? cos' they keep telling me that i must have lunch. ♥
we went to collect the cake! (; was so touched, i didn't know they bought me a cake.
lunch was at Sakae, it was filling. + the cake they bought. DAMN FULL.
it was really nice. they're the sweetest. ♥♥♥ luv
AND Thankyou to you(yes its you) that gave me presents and cards. ♥
school was oh-so-boring.
talks after talks, from morning assembly all the way to recess.
long winded much? HA HA HA.
did some test and the date stated 30/12/09.
i've to stop procrastinating, yes.
Loveyou all!
can't upload pictures too, i shall go do my testimonial alreadyyy. (but i feel very sleeeeeppppy)
AND STUDY my up coming chem + phy test.
Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 10:54 PM
Sweet 16
yes i'm 16 now. i can watch Nc16 movies now. (but i feel oldddddd)
anyway i had my best birthday, though to some of you it isn't that great.
i'm friends again with (inserts names). i'm close with (insert name) again. (YAY)
omg, i feel that it's my best birthday gift. (:
it's like after so long, we're finally friends, means i've more friends. (ha ha)
This year, I've 2 cakes, no i meant 3 cakes. (:
the sisters, surprised me with a chocolate cake after service.
omg, i was so touched that i almost teared. (L)
after that daddy and mummy surprised me with my fav cheesecake.
yay, i love my parents (and the cheesecake too) (:
next week Y is gonna bake me a chocolate fudge cake and treat me to warm chocolate cake!
(i hope i don't gain weight eating all these)
(msn, facebook, tags, sms, call and face-to-face)
flying kisses to all of you! (HAHA)
really touched know. (;
mugging season starting soon, i hope that i still have time to attend church and go for cell. :D
Loveyou all!
ps./ i can't upload pictures. REALLY WANTED TO.
Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 3:49 PM
hi im in the kill-me-now-kinda mood. yes, cos' in 8-9 hours more, i'll be 16. ):
(inserts thousands of sad faces here)
i don't like my birthday date. it's so early.
anyway, wish me tmr at 12am sharp k. (HAHAHA)
& i doubt i'll post very often, cos' i've to study reallllllllllly hard.
omg, i feel so lucky to have friends around me. (really, meluvyou all)
wait, i love my family too. (L)
school's starting, i haven't get my bag and pencil case and wallet. ): how?
Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 12:00 AM
2010's here
lovelies, have a great year. :D
& for those who are gonna take O's, study hard and goodluck.
write your new year resolution and stick with it.
(ha ha, i wrote it before 2010. am i kiasu or what? [: )
Bintan was great. :D
(my room view, pretty right? [: )

(ha ha it was supposed to be i love you)

Yes i enjoyed the camp. I feel good, oh i feel so good, oh i feel so, oh i feel so, oh i feel so good. ha! ha! ha! oh yeah.
Camp's awesome.
PARAMESWARA, all of you rock! :D
After camp, cabbed home with Xuewen and Kiawei. (:
AND I WENT TO BED. (was damn shag)
Loveyou all!
ps./ 2 more days. (: