Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 7:26 PM

hi i'm back from camp (LIFEgame) .
did you miss me? :D

i've flu + cough now,
before camp (on sunday), i was having fever,
during camp (monday-wednesday), my temperature was going up and down.
today, i caught the flu virus.

i just woke up,
break camp>lunch>home>sleep!

the first day at camp was BORING.
really, as we did nothing and camp started out late.
the next two days was better.
but i wasn't really in the mood to play, as i was having headache and such.
yesterday was the most-fun-day. (everyone agrees)
(i can't blog what happened as we promised not to tell)
but in short, i experienced what everyone in life would experience.
so i know what i should do and not repeat the same mistake again, if given another chance (which is in the real working world)

i think my attention span is very short.
cause the talks/speeches there are one after another, and i'll be like touching my hair, my slipper(HAHA) etc..
yeah, and i'll keep moving around, talk to my sister and such.

I hope i'll get well before Saturday.
Loveyou all!

Hello, love.
Welcome to Vicki's blog, @! Navigations are at the top, 'Vicki' 'Ng' 'Wan' 'Ting'. Read and tag. (:
Loveyou all! (L)