Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 7:36 PM
today's wedding lunch/hi-tea was great.
the bride's very pretty, air stewardess. (:
tomorrow i'm going to BINTAN. (camp)
yeah, i'm halfway packed. HAHA.
Those who're going Bintan: did you change your money to rupiah? i didn't.
ANYWAY. since i'm going away for 5days so i thought i should entertain you people with this(look below)
I decided to post this picture, cos' i thought it's funny ok. if not i won't post this up. (it's funny right? k maybe you won't agree with me)
(ng siblings in our cool hair-do)
can i make my new year resolution first?
haha, abit kiasu la. but i feel like. (:
1. study real hard and get at least 15points or lesser for O's.
2. be a better christian, go church, do quiet time and get baptised.
3. be a better daughter/sister.
4. don't be so lazy, tomorrow never end..
5. (i'll think of something [: )
i'll stop at 5 first. cos' they're my top 5!
will be back on 31st, miss me!
Loveyou all!
Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
Merry christmas
From my angel, meluvyou<3
(my nails chipped off! ]: )
ha ha i shall now share how dumb my angel can be!
okay since my angel had two 'Vicki' in her contact list, but one's 'Vicki'(i.e yourstruly) and another with a 'y'. guess what she smartly text the Vicky(with the 'y'), and she told me that she text ME many times. (HAHAHAHA! laugh all you want)
she also told me that, she asked ME out. and I replied her dao-ly. (i am not dao k) until the last few messages, she then realized that she had always been texting the wrong Vicki! (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
hi this is My VERY SMART Angel, Shi Jinwan:
Okay, after her very smart move.
I shall share mine(and my sister).
So yeah, we bought the stuffs ready and bought the pens. haha guess what, we did it half way and didn't know what to do with it. we bought the wrong (something)! and it was 3am(lastnight) when we realized that we can't do anything with it! DAMN. ):
After doing the presents, we slept at 5am! damn tired.
Went to church in the morning for service, exchanged gifts and wished everyone merry christmas!
After that, we went to Lot 1 to find Kiawei to pass her the presents and had macs for lunch.
Bide goodbye and hugs.
Went to Bartley to send a present! (do i sound like santa? HAHA.)
After that, went to find my family. Afterall, you(I) should celebrate christmas with my family!
yesterday, christmas parteh at my aunts! :D
tomorrow, wedding to attend. (i can't attend the christmas dinner(?) ]: )
I got this poem from facebook:
When God sent Christ down from above,
To teach us all about His love,
He gave up all that he could give,
So that he might see us live.
So this christmas hear me say,
Don't just play this christmas away.
Stop to think and look and ponder,
God's great love is such a wonder.
God sent Christ to die for all,
Jesus has removed the wall.
The sin that once tore us apart,
Now no longer in our hearts.
They say christmas is about giving,
But I say it is about receiving.
Recieving the gift God greatly gave,
The gift of salvation we all should crave.
The road to heaven has been paved.
Will you walk it here today?
Many people have been saved,
Cause Christ came down on christmas day.
As little children we would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys we knew we'd find
But we never realized a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
*We were the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by we learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves and what that means
On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying in the rain
All because of love
All because of love
[ *Chorus ]
We were the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
give (all that he could give all)
To show us the reason to live
I finally found the reason for living
It's in giving every part of my heart
to Him (every part to him)
And all that I do every word that i say
(you know I'll be saying)
I'll be giving my all just for Him,
For Him (everything for Him)
We are the reason that He gave His life
We are the reason that he suffered and died
To a world that was lost he gave all he
could give, to show us the reason to live
[ #He is the reason to live ]
(don't you know do you know the reason
that he came, oh he came to save us
when he gave his life for us) he suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave everything
(everything that He had He gave)
To show us the reason to live
Loveyou all!
ps./ i think this is one of my longest post! yay.
Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Christmas is coming! yay.
but i haven't had time to get any gifts for my loves/friends.
and i haven't get my school shoes, bag, pencil case etc.
PLUS i haven't been to the zoo/birdpark.
& next week i'm going to the school camp already.
time flies.
i've no idea what to get for anyone,
i've nothing in mind,
i wanted to get something online, but it's too late now.
i think i'll make something, or get the presents. (broke..)
but, make something=more sincere, time consuming.
buy presents=save time, nicer(than what i'll make).
i don't know.
i think i'll go online, look at some stuffs, get inspiration and go town to get it or something.
i shall plan what to buy and such.
I shall reply to tags: (yay i know)
Farah: Aww. haha. i know, i'm good to be missed right? :D
veronica: Hi! (: yeah, i do know him, ok.
Fiona: Hi Fiona (:
hi crazy girl. yes, you are. how sad? oh, cause you missed me too much right? (: loveyou!
Jinwan: Hi Biatch. <3
Abigail: Hi, ok. i'll link you up soon. (:
iikhaaa siao !: Hi, yeah. (: you're from wrps right? where do you study now? (:
Lingting: *ahem* what opposite of good? self confidence. :D i'm not one.
CHERYLKOH.: Hi cheryl! <3>
Raquel.: Hi. :D
suying: it's alright, really? it's not as fun as it sounds, really. haha. luvyou! <3
Angel: hi i'm your mortal. eh give me a nice present! (KIDDING) Hi Vicki's Angel! :D
before i end this post, since i didn't post pictures in my previous posts.
just in case you forget me..(this is me)
k, my very messy look. (omg, can you see my dimple!)
and my eye is one small, one big! ): obvioussssss.
bye, loveyou all!
Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 7:26 PM
hi i'm back from camp (LIFEgame) .
did you miss me? :D
i've flu + cough now,
before camp (on sunday), i was having fever,
during camp (monday-wednesday), my temperature was going up and down.
today, i caught the flu virus.
i just woke up,
break camp>lunch>home>sleep!
the first day at camp was BORING.
really, as we did nothing and camp started out late.
the next two days was better.
but i wasn't really in the mood to play, as i was having headache and such.
yesterday was the most-fun-day. (everyone agrees)
(i can't blog what happened as we promised not to tell)
but in short, i experienced what everyone in life would experience.
so i know what i should do and not repeat the same mistake again, if given another chance (which is in the real working world)
i think my attention span is very short.
cause the talks/speeches there are one after another, and i'll be like touching my hair, my slipper(HAHA) etc..
yeah, and i'll keep moving around, talk to my sister and such.
I hope i'll get well before Saturday.
Loveyou all!
Saturday, December 12, 2009 @ 11:47 PM
i'm tired now, really sleepy.
i'm going church service tomorrow.
and on monday i'm going for another church camp.
it's till thursday, miss me k. :D
haha, even if you don't just act like you do. (gimme face)
anyway, i won't know whether you care.
i'm crapping now. damn.
i don't feel like posting up pictures. (really)
i don't feel like typing now.
(click on my ads, thanks)
Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 11:51 PM
i'm bored.
yes, like bored bored.
click on to my ads kkkkkk! (:
(will update soon)
i'm too lazy to update my blog, really.
i will do it sooooooooon.
tag me, i'll reply! (;
Loveyou all!
Sunday, December 6, 2009 @ 8:09 PM
hi i went for cell and the youth service thing yesterday,
today i went to church,
yes i managed to wake up! (:
k, i shall reply to tags!
drey: yes i had fun at camp!! :D
Fidah: relinked youuuu. <3
CHERYLKOH.: hi, imy! you choose date, then let me know k. (: (L)
Roxanne: hi, thanks but i'm not. you areeeeee! :D
Raquel.: aww, that's so sweet! (:
Lingting: hi lingting! (:
KWOKKIAWEI: God bless you too! meluvyou<3>
Lingting: HAHAHA. excluding you! oh yesyes, yay! \m/ luvyou!
Jami.: k, hi junior! (:
Kelly: hi kelly! (:
ching fang: hi ching fang! (L)
Xin Yu: no, sorry my dear. i've camp exactly on that dayyyyy! ): you? imyyyyy!
Psby: i don't know too, i haven't used that before that's why(?) yeah, hi! (:
Psby: Faceshop. haha. (:
k, continue to tag me k. (though i know i reply reallllllyyyyy slow)
Loveyou all!
Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 11:50 PM

(the only picture that i can upload to photobucket)
i'm damn shag,
the moment i reached home, i fell asleep and i did not bathe!
went to shanshan parteh. (:
Happy Birthday Cutesy! <3
Happy Birthday Audrey! <3
remember i told you that i didn't feel like going to the ignite camp.
Ignite rocks! (:
i made new friends, (:
they're all so nice and sweet.
i like talking in the middle of the night and dropping on the ground when the camp comm. came to check on us. i like to wear light sticks around my neck and get high over it. i like to do the bimbo fight with D'bimbo. i like to play truth-or-dare with the people in my bunk. i like to act gay/les with K & S(i like guys k, HAHAHAHHA). i like to share my sleeping bag with J. i like to sleep beside KKKKKK. i like to sing christian songs. i like to get lost with my group and eat good food! (HAHAHAHAHA!!) i like to be hyper at 3am. i like to sing oldies in the middle of the night.
lastly, i like my group-SCREAMING STARS.
(i typed in a whole chunk of words here but when i click publish post, it disappeared.)
ha ha i forgot what i typed in alreadyyyyy.
Loveyou all!
Welcome to Vicki's blog, @!
Navigations are at the top, 'Vicki' 'Ng' 'Wan' 'Ting'.
Read and tag. (:
Loveyou all! (L)
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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