i don't feel well,
maybe it's cause of the late nights i'm having these days.
i think it's flu now,
i was having a bit of sore throat, ):
i like going to any place with my girls,
though they always bully me,
but still they're nice to me.
(L) letter, remember k. *winkwink*
ha ha, today i went to the library.
i borrowed 2 books, played 'cooking mama' on THT's DS.
i think i suck at cooking, reality cannot cook on DS also not very good.
i can't be a house wife! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
tmr's is the day= d.i.e
God, please help me once more.
help me to promoted to sec 4 express next year.
Lord, please help me,
KKW, OXW and my tudi. Please help us.
Bang wo, wo zhen de hen pa.
xie xie.
Loveyou all!