Saturday, September 26, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Why am I not as beautiful as those girls out there?
I like today,
Had fun at the sports carnival.
Yes, I am tanner now. (:
Studied at Starbucks.
I wanna go OBS. :D
Loveyou all!
Note to self: Please concentrate and study. (EOY's in 4-5days time)
Friday, September 25, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
EOY in a week
(yes, can you see how afraid i am?)
Uh-huh, damn.
EOY is just in a week's time. (or lesser)
Really, I should stop going online these days.
I need to concentrate and need the motivation to study!
(that reminds me of...)
I like today's CF session, it was great. (:
Tomorrow, there's a sports event in school.
Gotta sleep early. (but now's already close to 1am)
Haha, I hope it'll be fun. (:
Breakfast with smelly and sister.
NIGHTS. (I feel sleepy now)
Loveyou all!
Ps./ I feel happy, cause the misunderstanding is (finally) cleared.
Pss./ I miss you. ):
Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
I know what to draw for art alr. But, I'm drawing my worst nightmare!
UGH, Diediedie.
I don't dare to draw it, cause it's so scary.
(Not funny, don't laugh)
I feel dumb today,
I left my phone at home and forgot to bring my notebook to school.
They're very important to me, cause without them I'll feel weird and blur. (haha)
I can't contact anyone and I can't write any notes or anything.
Okayokay, haha.
YAY. I (finally) played the Maze today.
It's was so Dark and I can't even see my fingers in there.
HAHA, but it was fun! (:
Loveyou all.
Physics test tmr.
EOY starts next week.
Gonna mug=less post.
So, you've to miss me.
I don't think I'll be online. (often)
(you can contact me through my phone)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
By tonight,
(The pictures tells it all)
Haha, Okayokay.
Let me explain,
I've Chinese test and Physics test tomorrow.
I need to finish up my English and Math homework.
PLUS, add on with the Proposal that needs to be handed in by today.(BY 8PM)
= STRESS (ha ha, i look stress don't i?)
So I need sweets and chocolates to de-stress.
= FAT. ): ): ): ):
On top on that, my stomach hurts! (Girls thing) OUCH.
Okay, needa rush.
(& it's all just for Today)
Loveyou all!
Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 7:37 PM
Happy Birthday Myra <3

(Haha, VERY UGLY pictures from Friday after CF)
I studied till 3am and stayed up till 4am last night!
And, woke up at 7am? Or isit 8am?
Went for some thingy.
The atmosphere was extremely tense!
Out of no where, there was this sound and sounded in a lowlow voice.
"Hey boss, you have a text message."
I slept for 4-5hours after I reached home. Now I am wide awake. (nono, I'm still sleepy)
Miss me okay.
I think I won't be blogging this often.
Loveyou all!
K, we meet after school tmr to do the proposal okay.
CAUSE, WE'LL BE SO D.E.A.D. (tmr deadline)
Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 5:32 PM
Hi I'm going out already.
We haven't plan for the proposal. *looks at K with an angry look*
(we go tmr okay, text me hor!)
text me text me / call me call me. (when you see this)
Click on my ads, if there's any alright. (:
Loveyou all!
Ps./ Imissyou.
Saturday, September 19, 2009 @ 4:52 PM

(ha ha, can you see my irritated look?)
Yesterday was great, just that.
I hate it now.
Cause someone made mean comments.
Hey, I was trying to get the group to know each other and stuff.
I went for CCA.
I need to Re-do my proposal.
(meeting smelly tmr, i think)
All the games we chose and brainstorm cannot use. ):
GB girls made me and K to do forfeit!
I like the game today,
It's like mixed, catching and hide-and-seek.
Ha ha, we hid at the basketball court and behind the cutains of the canteen small stage.
I need to study for EOY already.
I need/want to pass all subjects for EOY.
I want to know God better.
I want to be a better person. (:
Loveyou all!
Ps./ Please call soon. (:
Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 8:37 PM
School was okay, just that I keep dozing off.
Art was fun, we went out of class to draw still-life using Charcoals.
After school, hanged out with my loves. (:
Xuewen & Huitian, we talked about everything and had heart-to-heart talks.
Loveyou all!
@ 12:57 AM
I'm sorry, (please accept my apology GB mates)You'll know when the next camp commitee meeting.
Yes, I rushed home as soon as the rain stopped in school.
I haven't bathe, and I haven't had my dinner.
I came home, first thing. On the laptop.
Sat down, and rushed out the proposal.
Rushed like hell, I can't type fast.(seriously)
I only typed as fast as my fingers could tap on the keyboard.
Finally, it's done.
I need to do my chinese homework and BATHE.
(eww, I feel so disgusted)
Ohwait, I feel hungry NOW.
& I feel extremely tired, yes previous post.
I didn't sleep well, for many nights.
Tonight too, i guess?
I'm going to chant this,
I am hungry. I need to bathe. I am hungry. I need to bathe. I am hungry. I want to bathe now!
Bye, Loveyou all!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Hi night walk(recce) with Kiawei was great.
She's the lamest and very childish. :O
But, i like hanging out with her. (I know she too) (:
Reminisce our primary school days.
I remember that,
Eating small pieces of paper and pencil leads were the trend then.
By tmr, the proposal for GB.
So dead.
I've not been sleeping well, sleeping for 3-4 hours a day.
Made me have those huge eyebags below my eyes. ):
Loveyou all!
Monday, September 14, 2009 @ 8:08 PM
Hi, (i've got nothing to post)
I don't like today, Monday Blues.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 10:24 PM
3 people told me:
That, they won 5th position for Hillary Challenge!
Yay, I'm happy for them. (:
Got to do homework NOW.
You just gotta accept what others tell you.
Loveyou all!
Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 11:12 PM
Damn you.
Answer me: Why am I so Imperfect?
Why am I fat and ugly? WHY? 
Yes I know I am ugly (keep your comments to yourself)
GB drill test, Camp Committee meeting, Church.
I feel really tired now,
But. I've to complete the t-shirt design by tomorrow morning!
And, Yes. My homework=so dead.
Loveyou all!
@ 1:27 AM
I've Drill Test, Stage 2.
I've been tryin' to get some malay commands into my head.
But I just don't seem to get it.
I get it all mixed up and UGH.
I haven't started on any of my homework.
So dead.
I did nothing on Friday, Books and TV shows.
I'd better get to sleep now.
Cause, I need to get up at 7am or earlier.
(memorise some more commands)
Goodluck for girls taking stage 2 drill! :D
Ps./ Someone told my that my blog was funny. Is it? ):
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 1:22 AM
I will have those ugly eyebags in the morning.
Cause I'm still up now.
): ): ): ): ):
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 @ 9:09 PM
Hi, I am waiting for Kiawei to wake up so that she can call me and we can finish our work FAST.
Yes, but I think she's currently, in her dream land.
OH, so I've to start Brain storming for games.
Ps./ I'm the game master, Kiawei too. (:
If you can, please suggest some games(tag/text/call me).
So that I won't suffer alone! (HAHAHAHAHA)
Ohkay, Just suggest some games alright. (:
Loveyou all!
@ 12:43 AM
I typed a long and wordy post.(actually)
But, It(everything)was deleted cause I wanted to change something and I pressed on to the wrong button AND it went all BLANK, where I started(here).
The next moment, I tried to retrieve it.
BUT, (sadly) NO. ):
- Chemistry Remedial (8.30am-10.30am)
- GB(drills) (after Chem)
- Date with Aunt and siblings.
I'm sleepy. I'm tired. I want to see my 2nd episode.(only certain people knows). I want to be in it again. I want to see (blank). I want to sleep. I want to sleep. I WANT TO SLEEP.
I need to wake up at 7am(?)
Bye, loveyou all!
(will post pictures soon)
Ps./ Make me grow taller!
Pss./ THAT POST(that I typed) was much longer than this!
Monday, September 7, 2009 @ 10:01 PM
I shall post afew pictures, I'm too lazy to post all.

Hi, I'm talking to Goodfriend.
I went to Cheryl's Chalet.
Reached home around 12am.
I went Malaysia with my Family.
There was a huge jam.
I reached home around 12am.
Monday; Today,
Had Chemistry Remedial.
Walked around for almost 3 hours(for the Hillary thingy)
It was so boring.
After that, we went to some place for the event.
Hillary people, you guys did a great job! Much Loves.
Loveyou all!
Ps./ I'll post up more pictures next time. I'm too lazy.
Or you can go to Singling's or Cheryl's blog to see.
(look up from my links)
Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 11:45 PM
-Dinner with Family
-Met S. (:
- GB (CCA)
-Cheryl's Chalet. (:
Will be meeting Singling first.
I miss you sweeties.
Loveyou all!
Ps./ My friends said that my eyes look sad. Yes?, No?
Thursday, September 3, 2009 @ 9:40 PM
Happy Birthday Darling (L)
It's Paterlin's day today, didn't get to see her.
But, I'd wish her 'Happy Birthday' at 12.10am. (:
Hi, School had been fine.
I am tired.
Had One remedial after the other and had to go for GB(drills), and survived with sweets today.
I'll get tooth decay soon! ): (I hope not)
I need to finish my art, History and SS(study).
I am busy now. Byebye
Love you all!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 @ 2:09 PM
Happy Teachers' Day
To all teachers out there. (:
I thank all those teachers that had taught me before and now teaching me.
Thank you teachers, I appreciate it.
Yesterday, school was half day.
No lessons, just interhouse(finals) and concert.
After that, I went back to WRPS.
Saw many people there, okay everyone changed. (:

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