Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 9:24 PM
Nothing's wrong being fat

Seriously, I don't find anything wrong being fat.

Like one of my the chapter in my chinese book.
The moral of that story was, Never judge a book by it's cover.
Yes, so what's wrong with being fat? Tell me.
There's no need to tell someone in her/his face that, "you're fat!"
It's so hurting and mean.
You'll never know how much you'll hurt the person that you insult.
It's make that person feel more inferior, and lack of self-confidence.
(seriously, cause that's how I feel)
I know, I'm not pretty and I'm fat.
Even so, I need to have confidence in myself.(to be a person on earth)
Like, who wants to be born fat and ugly?
I'm just saying, my feelings toward this.
I think a person that can only comment about others being ugly, fat etc.
That person MUST be perfect, but no one's perfect.
So, if you're gonna judge the next person being ugly, just shutup.
& think about yourself first. (if you're perfect or not)

(I fell alsleep halfway while blogging.)
I was really tired okay, did the drills and finally I mastered the way to march with only left hand.
Tomorrow, need to bring my Full-U and polished boots for a full run and the taking of video.
I hope I don't screw things up. (:

Today, school was fine.
I got pissed because of some things.
I hope that Ms. Chong would allow me to go to the Art thingy and let me skip her Remedial for once.

KayZeeZac, let's be high like how we used to be alright.
I miss those days.
Loveyou all!

Hello, love.
Welcome to Vicki's blog, @ http://those-brokenpromises.blogspot.com! Navigations are at the top, 'Vicki' 'Ng' 'Wan' 'Ting'. Read and tag. (:
Loveyou all! (L)