Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 5:33 PM
Not in the mood.
I don't know why,
But I'm really not in the mood to blog.
I typed, on the search bar.
Logged in, and now, I don't know what to blog.
I am home early today, (YES, It's veryvery early for me)
Blog next time.
Ps./ I feel ugly, when I look at beautiful people/things.
(haha, I'm weird)
It seems alright now, though we're not talking.
We still lead life normally(in school)(Okay, it sounds weird, but who cares?) (:
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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