GB combined with BB.
Yes, we had a 'race' together.
Oh, i'm the game master. So, I didn't have to play.
I've to give instructions, for the first game.
OMG, it's to 71 or lesser people.
I've stage fright, and i did it. (although, wasn't good or loud enough, i am already happy)
Then, we(station masters) go to our station(s) to get ready.
Our station is at the memorior of i-don't-know-who.
My parnter was Claudia.
Hah, we were like running, talking, chatting while waiting for the groups to come.
HAHA, I love torturing people who need to do forfeit(s).
First to come, group 4.
Second, group 3.
Third, group 2.
Last to come to my station, group 1.

Haha, these are the pictures when they're doing the forfeit!
They got to either do the chicken dance or sing the national anthem.
Then, go back to starting point to meet everyone.
Ate icecream, drank water, threw away stuff, picture with station master(s).
After that, bused back to school.
Actually, wanted to meet KayZeeZac.
But, I could not.
Zee, can't cab to school to pick me and go Causewaypoint.
I was drenched inside-out. :O
She couldn't go out, she can't pick me.
Means, i've to walk home alone.
Yes i did that.
Cause, (some)taxi drivers are so mean, they don't pick people who are wet(?)
Then while walking home, something nice happened to me today.
I was touched by his kindness. :D
Here's how it happened:
I needed to pass a church to get home.
Just then, A church member or someone, came after me.
And, he passed me an umbrella. (:
Isn't that sweet,(i think that is)
It's like, when you're at your worse..someone came to your help.
I feel so Happy today.
I went home, bathed then sleep.
So shiok laaa. :D