Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 8:11 PM
Yesterday was English Paper.Today had Chinese Paper.Tomorrow is Labour Day. I Found Out Something. I got really Sad, Dissapointed, Angry, Confused and I-don't-know.It's like the person i trusted, was actually the person who contacted her.I don't know why, but i felt so...& Yes, i've read your blogs. I won't control my friends, They have their rights to choose who they want to be friends with.I know, you won't spill out any secrets. Seriously, i know.I'm sorry, i didn't keep my promise.I told you yesterday that, We will go to school as normal.And, everything will be alright.But, i didn't kept my promise.& i didn't keep my promise to that letter i gave you. Yeah, the feeling sucks. ):It's alright, people are like that.No, i'll still hold on to the thought that, Only some people are bad, there nice people outside in the world too. I thought, we signed the paper that 'there should be no secrets between us'But, you didn't tell me. ):I remembered asking you afew times. And, you did not tell me the truth. Okay, i'll trust you again. (last chance)But, there should be no secrets.& sorry for going home without informing,I was really moodless. Zoe, she'll be back.On Monday.She just needs to forget and cool down.(:Maybe, it's just me.
Labels: Hurt inside..
Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 12:37 AM
I don't know, why i'm blogging.When, i have nothing to blog about.Weird, my life just gets weirder and weirder each day.I don't know, but..I can't express my feelings here.Ohwell, bye.I know my blog's boring now, without pictures and all.Sorry, readers. I'll upload soooooon.Stop making me regret.
Labels: Lost of mood.
Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 5:12 PM
Okay, i'm back.Dayout with Skeleton, ZAC.We did so many unglam stuff.OMGOMG. :OAnd, everyone kept staring at us.Not that i'm self-conscious, okay i admit i am.But, it's like really, stareee. And, i was wearing tanktop with a pink sweater, with jeans shorts.Oh, and my bag is green. &And, i look like i've a bulging tummy la, look like extra fats, Cause, my sweater was big then, i had to fold it in. Simple, and i look normal, like everyone else.& Zoe was wear reallyreally simple. HAHAHA. Okay, today was Fun.And, i want to say something!The Public Bus made me nauseous and giddy.So irrtating la. Somemore the aircon so not cold.And, it just scuk.UGH.I'm going out again, with Family. Will blog again! :D Bye. (L)I want to be smart!
I want that Phone.
I want that Camera.
I want to be Beautiful inside-out.
I want that model hourglass Figure.
I want, I want, I wantwantwant.
I'll get my hands on whatever i want it soon.
Yes, i will.
Labels: ZacZac
@ 11:32 AM
Did E-learning alr,
Going out soon.
But, not with All of us. ):
Just me and Zac, then kay go find us later. :D
Then might go to, Zee's house.
Okay, i go prepare then out i go.
Meeting her at 12.20pm, hope i won't be late. (again)
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
I wanted to post pictures,But, blogger don't allow me too. ):,Yay, VeeKayZeeZac is finally going out together! :DYes, i said together.Cause, it's finally All of US are going together.Study, Lunch, Fun! Yay, i can't wait. :D:D:DI shall go do, E-learning later.&, my loveletters for KayZeeZac and PTLL! :DI'm online now, talk to me! :DLabels: First VKZZ outing.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 10:12 PM
I just ran 5km(about there).OMG, tired okay.And, i'm a good student.I went for Social Studies Remedial.&, only 11 students came.Okay, i got to do homework and all alr. Bye, (L)Will upload pictures and blog more next time.VeeKayZeeZac BFFL.Labels: Tired
Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 8:57 PM
Oh, i got back my phone.
And, yes.
It have no contacts in it, ):
I lost everyone's contact, but manage to retrieve some(Last year's).Ugh, how irritating. But, i don't have th i-need-my-phone-24/7 kindof mood now.So, hmmm. Weird feeling.Ohyah, i need contacts!Please give me alright, (:Damn it, I remembered updating my links last week or so.And, i just went to check it.All, same. Nothing i did was published. ):Ugh, so if you wna me to link/relink you again please tag.(cause i don't know where to start)OMGOMG, today's th Actual day for th Enrolment Service.Haha, we did well, don't we girls?No one fainted okay, :DYAY, 18th coy go! I want to have a school crush,
then i'll have th i-want-to-go-to-school-everyday mood.
It's like superduperextremly long since i have that.
HAHA, kindof weird uh.
Wanting to have crushes like this.
Th reason is, then i will not dread going to school everyday and there's something i can go to school for.
HAHAHAHA, i sound like i desperately need a guy, don't i?
Please, NONoNO.
I'm just trying to say.
Imagine, so coool right? (:
My New Aims:Studies: All passes. Get Better results then CommonTest.Family: Better Bonds. No quarrels.Me: Study everyday, Get my Figure, Beauty & Height.(I mention this a thousand times!). And, i will add more. :DYay, i will make it.I'm not gonna care how people look at me or whatsoever.
I am me, and deep inside i know who i really am.
I don't need you people to judge me!
So shutup, if you wanna bitch about me.
I don't give a shit anymore.
It's like haunting me the last few days,
Thinking what i did wrong, my attitude..etc.
Now, i don't give a damn!
If you like bitching about people,
Go on.
You'll get retribution, People will also bitch about you.
You can hate me for all you want,
Just don't fake it to me.
Please, it's too fake.
I don't entertain this kind of people.
So, if this is you.
Don't come back to my blog.
I Don't Care if you always read it or what.
I don't need readers like you.
It's too insulting
Hate me, don't come back then.
Click on th 'x' button, bye.
Pictures will be posted up later.Really no time to do it. Will post up A.s.a.p. :DLabels: fake.
Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 12:20 AM
I am sad. I am depressed(not so bad).I've no mood nowadays, problems coming. Irritated easily, why?I don't know.UGH, but i'm alright now.(better!).Okay, Kay says i've weird family.Cause, last night, My family and i went to th Beach.SO Romantic uh?I know, whole family.ZeeZac, Came to my house and commented. They say i've alot of facial products.OMG, very lil' youknow.Today, After school, meet Jadie, did GB.Then, go to th Math remedial.OMG, Mdm Koh says i'm not smart. ):Zephyra is Stupid man, HAHAHAHAH!Slow learner, hoho.I tell you, doing math is hard.I had a hard time understanding it okay. OMG, then i fell alsleep while waiting for Zee.I slept on th bench, lying on my hands, ouch.Slept for 2hours plus.After that, went to Causewaypoint. Accompany Kay to eat her KFC, then shop.I bought this super cute thingys-for writing loveletters to my beloved(s)I know, sweet huh? (:Jade is Cold, Blur and Cute.She's online with me now.She's praising herself, that she's that blur.She says I'm Good. :DI ♥ KayZeeZac.Labels: VKZZ. ♥
Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 6:57 PM
I Can't On My Phone Now.Sorry sweeties, i can't reply or answer calls. UGH, My Phone needs the Doctor. (according to Terence)He's too lor, HAHAHA. :DToday,Went to Church.Got this cool dustbin performance. C.O.O.L :DIt's loud but nice.After service, saw captain's daughter. OMG, she looked like a total B-I-M-B-O.Really, the way she walks, speaks, do-her-thing. I was like shocked, stunned. -Speechless- Then, went for Lunch with everyone.They're nice and cute people. :DWent home with Kay and Sister. Yesterday,
Went to GB.Then, wanted to go Church one.But, Kay prepared too slow. So, went to Zee's house to wait for her.After that, went to Amos Parteh.We look so funny there, it's like too Glam?HAHAHA, then met Kay at Boots&Shoes.Train down to Town.Super cool, outside of Cine got like a concert? HA-HA(i don't know?)& And, everywhere we go, we're like th centre of attraction. Everyone will stop what they're doing and Stare at Us. (not kidding!)(Don't call us BHB first, look down..)Cause, Vee(me), I wore like i'm going dating with my boyf. Kay, Wore like she's going for a rock concert.Zee, Wore like she's going to a wedding(?)Super Cool Right. It's like 3 different people going out. So, the next time we go out, we MUST have a Theme.(like what to wear and stuffs)& again, we took neoprints and it came out like HA-Ha-HA.Okay, then we(Kay & me) trained back Admiralty and Zee went home first.Ate at Macs, while waiting for my sister. WAH, super suey la.All of our phones, have no battery alr. Can you imagine no phone? HAHAHA. Took a bus back at 12.30am?Bathed then slept. I've not Done any of my homeworks, I'm so dead.UGH. D:Labels: OMG.
Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 12:59 AM
Good Friday, Okay. It was a Good Friday till it rained.And, almost destroyed my oh-so-perfect family-dayout.Luckily, i've a fun family. (:Even it was raining, we could still have fun and all.How cool? Oh, we went to Changi Beach.It was said to be, my mummy's childhood beach/place.I don't know? Is just that her whole family will go there in her younger days.So, okay. Cool huh?Reminisce the past. After that, we went to Expo hall, meet with Aunt.Later, we went to the new Tampines(can't spell) Mall. Nice la, but no time to shop.We go there, it was already like 9.30pm?So, ate then home. :DBathed, then now blogging.My GB thingy's not done and i'm tired already?OMG, how? I don't even know where to start laaa. ):My homework's untouched. I. Need. Time. Damn it, my phone's like dead.I took many pictures today, and i can't upload into th laptop. OMG, I can't on it! UGH, nevermind no one will text/call me anyway. ): ): ): ): ): ): ):I've CCA tomorrow. Hope i'm not late!My theory drill test is tomorrow. UGH. I need time la. FREAK.Labels: time.
Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 10:22 PM
Yay. Tomorrow's Good Friday.So people, enjoy your holiday. (:Yay. Going out tomorrow with Family.To the Beach, i think. :DSo-Not-Yay. I can't go out with Kay. ):Today,Went to school.After school, wanted to have Ice-cream with Kay & Zac.Then, Kay needs to stay back. ): ): ):So, Zac and me went to Pizza Hut.Ate. Crap. Talk. Cam-whore. Gossip. Girls talk. OMG, i just know something. :OThen, went home.Bathe then immediately slept. Tired okay, but so shiok. :DHAHAHA. I. Need. To. Sleep. I'm tired again. UGH.OhMyGosh, I've many homeworks. 1. Math (all undone, and new ones) 2. English (Composition & Summary)3. Physics (Workbook)4. Art (cube drawing & pointillism)5. History (worksheet)Haha, I will do all by Sunday. I guess. I hope. I want. I need. HAHAHAHAHA. Pictures, next time. (maybe sunday)
The feeling i'm having now sucks.
It's sucks like could-i-just-go-and-die.
UGH, just screw my life!
Labels: Screwed up.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 @ 9:57 PM
I'm Sorry Mr. Issac.Please forgive us. ):Whatthehell, Not everyone signed the contract.WHY? :OIs it that hard to achieve whatever that is on the contract?3e2, I believe we can do it,If we do it together.I know we can, let's not that hard right?If we don't try, how will we know?And if we get the results, it's ours not Mr. Issac's or anyone else's.It is your's to keep. So, 3e2 people please sign the contract. (:Ohyah, Myra's got bangs.She told me, she looks like a typical malay now.OhMyGosh la, can't wait to see. HAHA.& Kay, Please don't give up. Yesyes, i believe you can do it. (L)& Zee, Nono. I'm not hating you. You're so cute. (L)& Zac, Hahah. Close again. Welcome Back? HAHA. (L)Tags Replies:Ps./ I'm lazy to reply the earlier. :xJon:D : No lor, we're good students okay. Haha, :DSiti Mahirah! : OMG, so not. Haha. (L)Matt : Uh, okay. Next time, lazylazy. (:Zoe : Yesyes, Zac Iloveyou too. (L)Amalina! : Hello. HUH? What pretender?! OMG.
&yes, I knew it.
Goodbye mylove.
I know, we won't contact again.
I won't need to wait for your calls till midnight.
Last long, and Goodbye.
Labels: Contract.
Saturday, April 4, 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Friday, in school.We're going back in time. (:

Town, Thursday.
with my loves, Kay & Zee.
Vee! :D

KKW! :D :

Kay! :D :

Zee! :D :
I look weird, :O :

ZeeVeeKay. (L) :

Kay! :D :

Zee! :D :

Me, Kay & Zee! (L)
I'm on the phone with Kay & Zee now! :D
Yay, it's like so coooool.
1. Another chance for you?
2. Awaiting for your calls.
Labels: Picturely3.
@ 9:58 PM
Tadahh, Varsha and mine hairstyle.:
Amira, Farah & Vicki. :

Farah! Why do i look so short!? ): :
Myra! :D :


"Show me your teeth!":

She's just trying to be a cheena. HAHA:

My eyes, Her mouth. :

Kisses for you. :

Alfred! :D :

Alfred, Vicki & Myra! :

I look botak! OMG:

Don't i look like a Malay? :D :

Unglam much? :

Center Parting=Ugly. :
Labels: Picturely2.
Friday, April 3, 2009 @ 10:55 PM
Okay, i can't upload any pictures.UGH, irritated.I'll do it tomorrow. :D YAY.Yesterday, went to school as usual.After school, went home.Prepared then slept.Was late for the appointment with KKW and ZNLX. OhMyGosh, okay. Luckily, KKW came to my house and wake me up. HAHAHA. :DThen, towntowntown. Ate, then shopped.I tell you, we were like running in Orchard. Haha.Okay, it was F-U-N. :DYAY, love them. (L)Today, went to school.Had Math test, surely fail one. ):I listened in class, yay.After school, stayed back to study.& wait for ZNLX and KKW to finish their homeworks. Ate at Vista with lovelies then Home. (:
Tags will be replied later.
Labels: Thin.
@ 9:36 PM
Okay, pictures in school.With my love, Mahirah. (L)I'm jealous, she's so pretty. :OHAHAHA. I only can upload this much. Dumb Blogger, don't allow me to. I've got like a lot. (:I've phone in my pocket.:

Amira; different faces! :

Labels: Picturely.