Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Had Social Studies Open-Book test and English test.Wah, i didn't know English test was today la.So, i chiong study during recess. HAHA, guess what! I passed. Yay, i thought i failed leh. Heh. & Yay, Our formation of th drill is like finally done(?)I think it's nice la, but there's like 3 practices a week.& And, it's like soso near, 14th March. Gosh, no time.I've got to do my other prep board now.
It's due tomorrow!
Got to draw and shade, 6-8 pictures leh.
&, i've not even started. :O
I've no time alr. ARGHHHH.
No pictures. Though, i've many to upload. But, no time. I am very crappy now. I love my new bag, and my new hot pink water bottle. Bye.I shall reply my tags. (:Tags Replies: Fabien: Hello! :DZoe: Okay, i will. (:CLARA :D: Uh, will relink you soon. [:SHAWN: Okayokayokay, i will. Haha, (: Rhys :B: Hello cutesy! :D, not pretty la. Yeah, see you in school. Varsha: Hello biatch. :DGermaine: Chewwy, okay. I'm okay alr, thanks for your concern. Loveyou too! (L)`RURONG: Rurong! Hah, okay. I know, (: Someone you know: Since i know you, then you tell me who you are la. (:Jadie: Okay, i will do it. Haha. Loveyou too! (L)paterlin: Okay, (: Haha.JIAXIN,: Hello Jiaxinnnnnnn! :Dsakura: Will link you soon, sakura eh? HAHA, :DGladys: Okay, i'll link you soon. Uh, yeah you too. (:passer by: What do you think? And, who are you? `ling: Yeahyeah, i willlll! :DRACHEL: (:, hello.Faznita: Okay, link you soon. :DRACHE:L: Yeah, okay. Sure. kelly: Hello! :D Uh, okay. ♥ Cheryl: Hello. Thanks, (: Loveyou! (L)Thessa: I'll link you soon, Imissyou too. :DCYNTHIA: Hellohello! :DOkay, bye alr.
I really need to do my art. (:
Labels: I need more time.
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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