Tuesday, March 31, 2009 @ 9:43 PM
Hello.I'm re-posting these pictures because Farah wants it.I'm so nice, i know.(Farah, see i post again.)

Okay, Today.Chinese, Miss Wong was so mad at us la.
Only 4 people in the class brought yin yong wen.(a compo book)Imagine, and it's not the first time can. I admit, i didn't bring it too.I can't remember lor, and i felt so bad then.She did all the slides and stuff then we didn't.So, she scolded us. ):(I'm sorry, Miss Wong.)Physics and Math, teacher didn't come. So yay! We talked, chatted, played, bitched and stuff.Okay, Varsha and i designed Alfred's hair.Nice okay, put manymany pins and tie it. HAHAHA, was fun. :DFastforward, Social Studies teacher didn't come too.So, we've got no lessons like for th whole day?English, Mr Issac taught some stuff then didn't teach alr.How great!Was talking to Myra and Amalina. HAHA. HAHA, so it's like no lessons today. :D:D:DAfter school, cabbed to Causewaypoint with Varsha and Zoe.Ate at Gelare. So nice, and yummy! (:Wanted to get April Fool stuff to prank people tomorrow.BUT, there's none! ):):):WHY? So now, Vicki-the-Great is looking for some nice prank on the internet. No choice.But, actually i've a plan in mind alr. HAHA.
UGH, my English test tomorrow.Needa study. Later then(:& Myra's full name is, Siti Mahirah Binte Mohamad Jalil. :DKnow why i can remember, cause i was to write a reflection of 800-1000words.And, i keep writing her full name! HAHA.Love that girl, (*waves hand* Hello, Myraaaa!)
YAY, 2hours plus to April Fools'.I can't wait.I wanna prank people. HAHA, i plan alr leh.FASTER, time click faster laaaaaa. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DImissyou, & you know it.
Labels: Time faster.
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 8:02 PM
Bored at home.All I did was, teevee and more teevee.I didn't even opened any of my books. :OOkay, i was thinking.(it's really dumb)Why do people call me 'Vicki Ng'(or my full name) rather than 'Vicki'?It's like 'Vicki Ng' is 3 syllabus(or 4) and 'Vicki' is just 2 syllabus. And, calling 'Vicki' is much easier.:D *wides smiles*Don't you think so?Haha, told you it's dumb already.Maybe, i'm weird that's why.& i realised something..Nowadays, computers are getting boring and more boring to me.I don't know why.It's like, On th computer. Click to online. Post something on blog. Check out my stuffs. Blogshop.Then off it. UGH, why can't people just invent something nicer.HAHAHAHAHAHA.I don't like online games. I think it's Plain Stupid. (or dense?)It's like playing hours&hours. &, it's waste-of-time.I neeeda something ...Funnnn. :DLife's just so-boring.YAY. Daddy's not mad at me anymore.YAY. Better family bonds. (:A bigbig Y-a-y!Blogger just don't let me post peektures!This one is th only one blogger allows me. (it's ugly i know)
I'll try to post more, and my zilian-mood is like gone(?)
My sister told me this:
An honest answer is like a kiss on th lips. Proverbs 24:26
I'm missing you, can you feel it?
Labels: my name.
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 9:19 PM
Hello.I'm saving Earth. :D:D:DI've been living in Darkness. ):Oh-My-Gosh.:O, so hot and dark.He called me.
Will post pictures soon.
Bye, better love me.
YAY, i'm in GOH. Labels: GOH.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @ 9:54 PM
I'm doing Chemistry th research now. UGH, it's killing me. ):Yesterday, did cheena. (finally!)Okay, bye!Short, boring post.Miss me okay. Ps./ Will link, relink you people soon!Pss./ Will blog with pictures, when i've th time. Till then, Bye. :DA sudden urge of going shopping. :OI'm afraid, how?
Labels: chem
Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 11:28 PM
I've got a huge & hideous pimple! ):But, it's healing/recovering!YAY, i ate Sakae with PTLL.Her cousin was working there, haha. Cute!Super cool, we were th only one left eating.Only us and th workers were at Sakae laa.How cool, HAHA.AND, it was my only meal. (:(pictures next time yeah.)
I realised something, i can't speak properly every Monday. :O
(don't ask why, cause i don't know too!)& i've an ucler, damn pain!
(please go away!)& To that idiot CL:Tomorrow will be a better day, don't think too much.God bless. (:I'll try not to, & hope not to.
Labels: Ohmygosh.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 7:32 PM
OhmyGosh. :OVarsha calls me a Drama Queen!Okay, i'm soso Bored.At home th whole day.It's been a long time since i stayed home for th whole day!HAHA. I don't want to go School tomorrow.I don't want School to start early.I don't want to wake up early.I don't want to do my homework.But, i want to see my friends!Tag Replies:Jonathan:D : Hello Jon! :DZoe: Haha, i did! So you're famous! LOL, haha.I hope not to.
Really. ):
Labels: I don't want...
@ 1:17 AM
I'm Back!Hoho, i bought manymany facial products.YAY, super cooool.Ohyah, i bought th eye roll-on thingy(GARNIeR).Cool lor, i tell you.It's Super Shiok after i rolled on to my eyes.Like coldcold(cooling) one, make me awake(?)And, it's anti-eye bags & dark circles. HAHA.Okay, i hope i can wake up early to go Church in th morning. :DUh, let's do this way.If you view my blog once, tag me. (how many times, also just tag!)Haha, this way i know how many times my blog is viewed.Or else, i don't know. Then, i'm like blogging for myself(?)How pathetic is that la! ):So tag me, HAHA. I will love you all. AND, EZT was so cute la.Guess what she did!HAHA, she went on th net and checked up on how to cure pimples. (my previous post)How sweet. (L)Haha, cute anot you tell me. She totally sent me a text telling me how to and what to. Ps./ She wants me to love her more, that's why she did that!HAHA, kidding laaaa. (:Don't ask why, but i'm crapping.(again!)Tags replies:sixian: Um, i'm alright alr. Thank dear! :DRURONG: Yeah, i will. Ps./ My mummy says i care too much for my face! LOL.
Ps./ I'm happy today.
Pss./ I think my msn display picture is cool. (don't ask why, go see!)
I think i'm miss ing you.
Labels: Happyhappy me.
Saturday, March 21, 2009 @ 1:28 PM
This Sucks.I really wanted to go to th class outing one lor.Ugh, long story. ):I think i caught th flu virus. :OMight be going out later with Family. I'm feeling so moodless.Pimples. Please go away. Is it because of my late night studying or am i too stress(?) or my period's nearing?Ugh, just go away.I want to have pimple-less/ flawless skin.If only, it was last year...Somebody teach me how to get that skin leh. (:I will love you alot. Hees.Anyway, here are some of th pictures taken Yesterday.Th rest, blogger don't allow me to upload. UGH.I was having bad hair day, so i hairband up my fringe.Ugly, ugly. ):Sister! :

Regina and KimKim(my pooh bear):

Angel! She claims that i'm sweet. :D :

Do i look botak or what? :
Jadie! :D :
Nice hor, taken by me. Lalala, i know it's nice.
Ps./she even changed it to her phone's wall paper leh.

Bye, i'm off to do my homework and check up on how to get flawless skin.
:D, miss me.
Might not be blogging till weekends(?)
Means not online and all.
Hoho, so text me yeah. (:
Love you all!
Ps./ I'm so crappy in this post.
Labels: Miss me, NOT.
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Hello.Soyah, i went to GB.We went to Civil Defence Yishun. (:Had test at th end. Gosh. :OI was bored. So i used Facebook. This is what my Birthday [03/01] means: Although you are innocent and romantic but your expression often mislead others that you are an active, fun loving kid. Because of your double personality, it's hard for others to really know the real you. You are careful and patient. Your Love, Your love is the greatest which often surprises others. No one can bring you to light when you are in love. Your confidence might lead you to the track your parents disagree.But, i'm neither careful nor patient. Hees.Tags replies:A MELIS: I miss you too girl. ):SHARIFAH: Imissyou la, yeah. I did enjoyed. So short only. Loveyou too. (L)Jamuna: Okay, when i've th time alright. Sorry. Loves. & i ain't prettaye. Xin Yu: Yeah, me too. ): Sakura: Hello Nisa. Um, i'm not sure. They just pop up suddenly? HAHA.Hongyi: Yeah, okay. Link you soon, (:♥ Cheryl: Imissyou too sweetie. ):Nat: Hello Natalie. :D Oh, i'l link you soon. (L)Zoe: Zoe Sweetie! (L)shi min: Hello cutesy! :D (L)Abigail: Hello Abigail! :Dpsb: Replied. & You are?Xin Yu: Yeah, i did. It was so screwed up. D: You?Me: Town? FLMP. Thanks. No, i'm not. (: Ps./ You are?Farah: Haha, i know! (L)Me: Uh, yeah. I didn't. Nono, I'm not. Replied. (:jiaying: Agreed. (: (L)I'm going to do my undone homework alr. Have to complete my science and art research. I don't know how to do my cheene homework, D:Ps./ Kimberly Kler looks like Pooh bear. Pss./ J'uncle. Labels: What my birthday means?
Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 9:36 PM
Hello.Had GB, then ran outside th school.Then, had Macs.Homed. :D[edited/]I'm webcam-ing with J, Lol. We're like doing homework. :D
Pictures. :
ShanShannn :D :

Kiawei. :D :

Wendy(Sec1) :

W, V, F, S. Camera, KKW. :

See my sister behinddd. :

Me, Vicki. :

ShanShan. :

Kiawei. :

It's ugly, i know! :

Sister! :
Bye, (L).
CL's talking to me. He's so fierce.
To psb:
What, no!
& i don't agree that what you said about paterlin.
And, who are you?
Yeah, like what Paterlin said.
And, you can't judge anyone by their looks.
Is it because that you're jealous?
Ps./ She's pretty okay.
Okay bye.
Labels: GB
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 10:18 PM
Hello,Went Out with PTLL today.Studied at AMK, then trained to Bugis.Got a look-alike-sweater. Nice, pretty in pink. :DPictures shall do th talking. Iknowit'sugly, butjustlook&nocomments. (:

Labels: Day out with Paterlinn. (L)