Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 10:14 PM
I don't like you.
I don't feel like blogging.
Okay, bye.
Confused, Paranoid, Lost.Labels: ugh.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 9:38 PM
He's like so straight-forward.): (inserts zillion sad faces)It's
making me so paranoid.It impacted me like a
lot. UGH, no mood la.I've got to do this by tonight.
- Art. (must do reseach, before
draw.) - Chinese, xi zi.
- Mathematics, study. (have Common test
I'm like a busybusy bee. & i've got like so lil'
G-O-S-H, :O
Sometimes, you'll hurt people
Labels: busybee.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 7:33 PM
Hah, guess what i'm doing now.I'm researching for pimples solution.I hate it when i've breakouts.So, i went to do research on it.Took photo for our profile(?), totally suckish.Had History Common Test, I should just go and die. Confirm Fail. ):Oh, i should do my prep board(ART) now.Th first one's due tomorrow. And, i've not even started.
GOSH, :OI hate it,
when someone thinks she's pretty and go boasting about it.
If she's got th looks, th brains and th character then it's okay.
Beautiful inside-out.
But, if she doesn't.
She should just shutup.
I think that people are beautiful,
If their character and personality is good.
You don't have to look good to be beautiful, just be yourself.
Labels: Beautiful inside-out
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 8:36 PM
I'm tired.Why Mdm Heryani always not here on Monday? :OSo yah, played Slient Library.It's so cool, sort of dare thing.We've to write some dares on different pieces of paper.Then, on a few other pieces of paper write loser.Hah, th person who took th 'loser', will have to choose a dare and do it.HAHA, it was so fun la. :DJust that, i got slapped by everyone. (but, it's a dare).Kiawei had to kiss th floor, Myra had to seduce a guy(?) and Varsha had to leave a mark on th dirty floor. (means lick it).Got hugs and kisses too, for dares. Sweet huh? (:P.E, was like Oh. My. Gosh.It's like testing your endurance level and stamina. Wah, feels like you went to hell and come back la. HAHAHAHA. No la, kidding. (:&And, th grass was super ewww. So gross and yucky and dirty. D:Math, i've Math test on Friday. (it's for th whole express level, i think).I was eating sweets to concetrate, had bad headache. Recess, FTC and English. Assembly, PC, went to th hall and had some talk.About H.I.V and unprotected sex.I tell you, th guys were all getting horny la. Super digusted. E-W-W!Had GB drill, for th upcoming competition. So many steps to remember, but it's FUN. :DDAfter that, went home with Sister, Gladys and Kiawei. &&, life's getting boring and more boring each day.
I want fun things to do.
Uh, but it's so weird i'm Sec 3 alr.
Like, doing dumb stuff(s) when you're 15.
Not like you're 5 anymore.
Why do we have to grow up so fast?
Why can't time just stop for a moment, or just go slower?
Why, Why, Why?
Can't we just stay at where we are and not grow.
Growing older sucks.
You've more responsiblities & more troubles to deal with.
It's like, you can't run; hide away from it.
There's one question in my head, WHY?
I don't like you.
Labels: why?
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Read this.For you. (different people)1. I'm sorry. ):2. Get your own style, and stop copying.3. I'll be here for you. (:4. Stop treating her like that. (Get it? It's you.)
People change's, right?Uh, i guess people are like that. ):This week's been a tiring week.Tests, Friendship problems, and more?I didn't attend Church today. ):Couldn't wake up.I'm sorry. I'm tired. This is what i want to do by th end of June.
1. Slim down! (pleaseeee.)
2. Get closer family bonds.
Okay, i'll need to work hard then.
Can somebody teach me how to do th prep board, for art? (:
(pretty please, innocent eyes)
I will Love you alotalot.
Labels: I'm sorry.
@ 12:08 PM
I shall post pictures before i blog. Haha.Paterlin, i look weird. :O
I look weird, i know.
Myra! :D :

Myra, Zephyra and me:D :

I think i did it wrongly. D:

Lab Partner! KaiJun:D :

Amalina! :D
Ta-daaah, Ng's!

Th Ng's and Yeo's. :D :
Labels: Pictures only.
Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 9:05 PM
I feel like shouting and screaming my head off,There are so many problems nowadays.It just comes, one after another.I can't hold it any much longer. I feel like there's something inside of me that needs to be out.I'm so confused, vexed, tired, i-don't-know-what-feeling-now.Mixture and everything. I think i'm breaking down soon. ):Physics & Chemistry test.I totally screwed it up.All craps, repeated answers.I know you don't like me,
neither do i.
You said i was th one who spread all that rumors.
But, don't you think you are th one who started all this.
If you say about people behind people backs,
it's expected that you will get it too.
Okay, i shall talk to you.
& see how it goes tomorrow.
God bless.
Labels: feelings
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 9:33 PM
Hello.I've so manymany tests this week.):(inserts manymany sad faces).I forgotten to bring back my Chemistry Text/Workbook.How to study? HAHA.I am sad.I can't do Physics.I can't do Chemistry.I can't do Chinese. WHY? ):Please, i wanna do well in all my subjects. God Bless. Yayeyayeyaye, Teacher praised my Art.She says it's nice. :DThere's Church on Friday and Jiro's & Ranie's coming. SO HOW, time clashhhh! :O
UGH, i think time's going too fast.
I hope that things could go slower.
Just slower a bit, will do.
I'm confused, having mixed feelings.
Somebody help me.(in a drama way!)
Why does everyone likes him? :O
Labels: test after test.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 10:06 PM
Hello.Sunday,Went to Church with PTLL.
Ate, then home.Yay, i wna go see th play. (:Monday, Went out with SCYY after school. YAY! :DTuesday, Today,Played Truth or Dare after school. Not as fun as i thought it would be. D:But, okay la.But, played that for an aim. Are we bad? Uh, i like it leh. :/HAHA.I've like 3 tests tomorrow, but i'm blogshopping now. Guess, i'm gna fail my History today. ):Labels: I need time.
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 10:50 PM

Wednesday, Physics.

We went to get chocolates for our friends. :D

I rock.
Friday, Chemistry.
My Lab Partner, KaiJun!

Alfred, he joined us!
Liquid, from this... became this!

So Cool, it became like ice.


Look, our records/observation.

They were playing, then "bomb".
Zephyra's bubbletea in her bag burst.
I guess, it's over between us.
Bye, ♥.
You'll find a better one.
Labels: Pictures only.
@ 10:29 PM
Happy Valentine's Day! :DThis is how i celebrated it. Woke up late, went to GB.Th wax spilled onto my uniform, totally screwed my day. Somemore, can't clean it. Pissed. Change of mood, th drill of th up-coming competition was so nice and fun.We had to like march pass each other and salute. (get it?)HAHA, i tell you all, also don't understand. (:Then, Captain blanja us drinks, so nice of her! Thankyou. Sang vesper and dismissed.Changed, then went to Causewaypoint to meet Zephyra and Matthew. Sudden meeting, haha. :DAte at Macs, & Zephyra totally embarrassed herself la.Not telling. (:Haha, then decided to go AMK hub.Watched a movieee, Pink Panther. Nice, funneh. Go watch. :DLater, went to find Mummy.Ate dinner, then homeee. So yah, to summarise it.I spent my Valentine's in my CCA, with my friends and family! :DAnyway, i still enjoyed today. Yay! I'm so sweet laa. Bought chocolates for my friends yesterday.Labels: Happy Valentine's Day.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 9:26 PM
I've got no mood after you've text me ask me that. Yesterday, After school, met SCYY. :DWatched The Wedding Game.Today,I went home after school. Goodgirl right, (:I don't give a freaking damn to that rumour anymore.
I thought th rumour ended alr,
Th thing happened like LAST YEAR.
So people, what do you wna say about me.
Just continue, i won't care/bother.
It's th way you're all gna see me as.
Not how i see myself as, i know i'm not can alr.
You can look as me like some biatch.
I won't and I don't care anymore.
It all depends on how you're gna look at me as.
Oh, whatever.
Labels: Day out with SCYY.
Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 7:18 PM
I just came home.Slept at 2-3am plus last night.Went to my aunty's house.Brunch, then watched a Japanese Drama.Oh, i think it's like very nice.Haha, I think it's called, 'Attention Please.'Go watch, if you want. (:Anyway, it's about a girl who wants to be a flight attendant for a guy.Cause, th guy said, " I would like to see you in that uniform someday."She's a Tomboy.&, y'know, flight attendant needs to be those nice & sweet young lady..So yah, it's funnehhhhhh. :DAiyah, you ownself go watch la.I myself also haven watch finish. :xUh, you all must be wondering why i go my aunty house go watch J' drama.Cause, there's nothing to do there! :oOther than eating and crapping.Then, gotta go home as my uncle don't like visistors to come his house! (cause he's coming back alr.)So, we all went home. (:I wna get a hair cut, my hair is so ugly now. ):
&, i want to continue to watch that showwww.
Labels: Japanese drama.
Saturday, February 7, 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Hello.I've updated my blog alr. (Kristine)Okay, i don't know where should i start to blog.Um, can't remember when, but went to Sakae with Paterlin. :DFriday, after school went to Town with Sister and Kiawei. :DToday, after GB went out with family. :DPictures.Today, :D

At GB,
Weirdddd, Shanshan took this. :
I was laughing, HAHA. :

Kiawei. :D :
Sister. :D :
Do i look like i just woke up?(someone says so :O) :
Hello, this is Kaiwei's specs. :

IDon'tKnowWhen, In school.
Amos, he posed for this! HAHA. :
Esther Zoe. :D :
Sakae date with Paterlin,
She totally splashed th whole sauce onto my shirt.
Hah, i didn't know until she told me. :x
Here's how she did it,
She took up th salmon.
Shaking in front of me, wanting me to try it.
Next, "PIACK"!
Th salmon drop into th sauce, and it all landed on to my School Shirt,
I went to wash it, duh. Th stain went off! :D
Suey, but heng i wasn't in Sec1, I was so worse. UGH.
Ta-dah! Paterlin's 'art work' :
There, th salmon. :
Duayne, I was standing in front of him! :D
He's so hawt! Find me. :
Labels: Updated.