Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Okay, i've relinked and linked you all alr. (finally!)Link me, if you haven too. :DHaha, okay. I've not done any of my homework(s).And, it's like due tomorrow. One word, D-I-E.Guess, i'm gna do it later? (:Hees, oh i'm like busybusybusy.Okay la, i want go do homework alr. Byebye. & I don't like her.
She's so two-faced/bitchy and whatever.
(Paterlin, you-know-who.)
Labels: Bitch.
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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