Friday, January 30, 2009 @ 11:44 PM
P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S! :D (I know you all are waiting for this. )Reunion Dinner.
Chinese New Year, Day 1. Th Ng's. ♥ :
Mummy, Sister and Me. :

Brother. :

SisterSister. :

Jingwen. :

God of Fortune. :

Sister. :

Me. :
Shadow, family. :
Me, Me, Me. :
Sister loveee. :

MummyMummy. :
Chinese New Year, Day 2.
Th Ng Family. :

Veena. :

Aunty. :

Mummy. :

Sister, Jasmine and Me. :
Jasmine and Me. :
Veena, Sister and Me. :
Me, VNWT. :
IKnowYouAllWantToSeeMeInSpecs. :
Tadah, nerd. :D :
This is a picture-ly post.
Told'y, I took manymany photos. (here's only some of it.)
:D, loves.
Labels: CNY♥
@ 8:31 PM
I'm watching th Channel U now.
Jay Chou.
Uh, he's..he's super
He's doing Magic Tricks.
Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou.Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou. Jay Chou.Jay Chou's.(I can write a millon or uncountable Jay Chou's names.)Yay! I love Jay Chou.Labels: Jay Chou's.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 10:06 PM
Uh, trying to upload my CNY pictures.
But, half way then stoppppp. D:
Irritating mans, idiot!
Went to school today.
Didn't wanted to go, but my sister woke me up. UGH.
So yah, heng i went.
Don't know what th new Principal would do. :x
Haha, th whole school did morning exercises?
And, she did her usual morning talks and all.
Then, went back to class.
English, read th Reader's Digest then find 15 words.
CME, Respect and Responsibilty.
Math, Matrices!
I like Mdm Koh's top. It's Oh-So-CUTE! :D
Recess, did homework and ate.
FTC, talked and chiong homework.
Chinese, got scolded.
Lao shi dui bu qi, ):
Physics, boring. :O
Art, that stupid mean idiot(kidding) keep disturbing me make me cannot drawwww.
Ps./ that person is no other than, Tan Sermin. (please read.)
I studied okay! At Mos Burger, it's like everyday.
With, my love. Kwok Kia Wei. (L)
KKW say's i don't look alike when i tie up my hair and i let down my hair.
I think i look alike lor. (:
I can trust you, should i?
Labels: trust.
Sunday, January 25, 2009 @ 1:28 PM
Pictures from this week :Saturday, Went out to get last minute stuff(s).My screwed up fringe. D: :

Sister's hot pink nails. :

Yes, I've red hot nails now. :D :
Went town with Zephyra and Kiawei after school.

Can't remember when, but i was eating cheesecake! :
Last Sunday, my brother.
Last Saturday,
after GB. :D
I'll take manymany lovely pictures, during CNY.
Be sure to miss me, NOT.
& wait for my pictures! :D
Labels: Pictures only.
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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