Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 4:55 PM

I'm back from camp! :D

Day one
Had First-aid course, (:
Learnt CPR and bandage wounds.
I pass, okay. :D
Other company girls also came for th course.
Most of them were anti-social and R-U-D-E.
After that, we had dinner then played dirty games.
There was one game called, 'Milo Gargle'.
Superduperuber Disgusting can.
We had to put milo, sugar then put water and gargle. Then pui/throw th water into a bottle.
Disgusting right! GOSH.
had other games then bath, [:
Sang songs and devotion, songs were beautifully sung.
Brushed teeth, took out contacts and change clothes.
Bed time, sleepsleepsleep.

Day two
Woke up at 6plus, no alarm can.
Th floor was soso hard and dirty. How can sleep?!
Brushed teeth, wore contacts and change clothes.
Went for breakfast, th food was OhsoDisgusting.
Rice so hard, dishes super salty. How can we eat laaa.
Then, took our bags for Kayaking.
Kayaking was fun, and gossipy. HAHAHA!!!
After that, we went back for lunch. Food was worser.
We played Amazing Race, small scale one. Tiring lor~
Kayak+Amazing Race=Super Tiring!
Then was Out-door cooking.
KKW's and me were partners(like th whole camp)
That was th nicest food i ate in camp although it's only maggie.
Later was Fun Night, FUNFUN! :D
Sang songs, SCREAM, Dance. Oooh lala~
Played Captain's Ball, with vegetables. hah.
Brushed teeth, wash face, took out contacts and changed.
Bed time, 12plus.

Day three
Supposed to wakeup at 7.30am one, but i wokeup at 6.30am lor.

waited for Kaiwei to wakeup.
Hah, i waited till i sleep can. HAHA!
Brushed teeth, washed face, wore contacts and changed.
Went for breakfast, then did area-cleaning.
So tired and sweaty can.
Then went for Church Service. :D
After that, went back to clean up then BYEBYE.

I superduperuber tired lah,
&KKW's cute! :D

Pictures soon okay, but very lil'.
Please wait, (:


Hello, love.
Welcome to Vicki's blog, @! Navigations are at the top, 'Vicki' 'Ng' 'Wan' 'Ting'. Read and tag. (:
Loveyou all! (L)