Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 12:27 AM
FRIENDS again.
Talking to them now. :DYAY YAY YAY!NO Quarrels.I've no pictures, will upload soon.I Want A Picture With You All.
♥loves.Labels: BFF
Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 8:50 PM
Hello! :DI went out with baby today.
Actually, was supposed to go out with Chanel and Ira. (as planned)
But, i couldn't wake up.
Sorry, dearlys. D:
So yah, meet Varsha. (:
Went for movie, High School Musical 3.
It's was awesome, superb. :DD
After that, followed her to Popular to get her HSM3 cd.
Then went to buy canned food for camp and chocolates. (she was craving for it.)
Oh, so we decided to go to th Hall.
It's been a long time since we last went there.
& we thought we won't see them as they were having their O's.
Bused there. Then i said,"If we see them, then we fated!"
HAH, we saw them.
Like woah right, saw them there.
I walked home, Varsha took bus. (:
I shall say this without stating who is it for.
To unknown(s) :
1) Fun to patch with me? Thankyou for making me happy that day then.
Well, i thought patching with you was good. It'll end everything...i guess not.
2) Sorry to you? State your reasons please. Define bitch, before scolding people one.
3) Yay! Work's soon :D I wna go to your Halloween instead of th camp.
I'm like missing two whole halloweens. D:
4) Remember dresses! (:
Miss me people(kidding!), i'm going for camp.
Friday-Sunday, 31/10-2/11.
I want to go to Halloween, it's on Friday.
Dumbdumb, second year i cannot go. D:
Stupid camp.
Bye, ♥
Miss me? NOT.
Okay, i shall show you my new hair style.
I think it's okay.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it lor.
My new style, (:
Is it ugly? D:
(I'm being self-concious again.)
Labels: New hairstyle.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Okay, th problem started off with me. (many months ago)So to end it, i be-friend with her again.There, you can also what. As i said th problem starts with me.So, now i think our problem is getting more and more ridiculous.Like woah, you think i'm faking it.(screaming)Puh-lease, I'm not. FYI: I'm like superduperuber afraid of cats. Ask V, P, my close friends or even my family.They'll know. (:You don't like me screaming, GOSH. How do you stop it man?Tell me lah, you scared of something you don't scream uh.Like excuse me, everyone do! (unless you don't)Okay, whatever.What, now calling me a bitch. (messages you sent are prove)& what cursing me to NA.I don't remember me saying these mean things to you.So now what, calling me trying to settle problems.Hello, it's state in my blog so clearly(previous post) that i don't want to settle this.IT IS TOO RIDICULOUS.I don't see a need to do so. Look,I told you not to talk to them, i know.But since i've alr patched up with them, you can talk to them alr.I know i made a big fuss over it last time.To think of that, i feel dumb.So now, what's th BIG fuss/deal?It all started with me and her.We've patched if you don't know.Then now, you got problem with me?GOSH, such a dumb thing to settle.& i'm not doing so. Bye. Read and Understand. I love.Dumbdumb, BabyV, Chanel, Ira. and many more.LALALA~Ps./ this is dumb ending like that. But i didn't want to end it unhappily. Labels: Stupidity.
@ 6:32 PM
Oh, we've got th job! :DTh manager likes us, oooohlala. & we got hired on th spotttt! Nah, i'm not telling you where is my job place or what am i doing.maybe laterrrr. (:If we're fated, you may see me working. HAH.I think if i got all things alr, and give th manager.I could able to work on Monday! :DLike woah, my first part-time job.YAY! :DDDDI'm going out with Chanel & Ira-rara tomorrow.YAY YAY! :D Guess what, i'm on th phone with them now!LALALA~ Oh, whatever.I'm not giving a damn to anything.What you want to settle, please don't settle something like what-i-am-afraid.GOSH, that's like stupid? I don't even know what's happening alr.This is like super ridiculous. So, blog whatever you want.Anyway, I'm only left with you to settle?I know you don't like me, neither do i. So what's th point of settling?I've got no idea. Whatever! Labels: Job.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 7:17 PM
Oh, LOVE! ♥I'm like superduperuber happy! :DDDDDEverything worked out, all friends.I've patched with everyoneeee. :DOh, stupid/dumb quarrels.Byebye, Quarrels.Hello, Friends.Although, we might not be able to be as close as before. But at least we're friends now. :DDDSee. We were first strangers, then friends...we know each other better so upgraded to close friends/besties. Th evil thingy made us have, a quarrel that cause our friendship to breakup.& *tadaa* th angel from above saw this and stopped th evil thingy and our LOVE is strong so we're now friends again! :DDDDOoohlala, i can write stories. HAHA!YAY! Okay, i shall share with you all my friends.I've patched with:1. Paterlin. (Last day of school)2. Varsha. (Yesterday)3. Chanel. (Today)4. Kristine. (Today)*SCREAMS* iloveyou! :DDDDDIt's like YAY right? Okay, i don't care. I'm happy can alr. :DDDDD& i still don't want to show you my new style.GuessGuessGuess, come on Imagine! :DI'm crappy, lame.Oh, whatever! Bye, ♥♥♥What i'm gna do for th rest of th week.
Wednesday: Find Job with dumbdumb. (can someone intro me job.)
Thursday: Meet Chanel and Ira buy presents!. :D
Friday: Go for GB camp. (till Sunday)But i don't want go eh, I want to go for Halloween!Stupid camp, arghhhhh.Call Me Out! :D hah.Labels: Oh love.
@ 3:37 PM
Ps/ That post not i post one.
Well, I'm gna find job.
Intro me job, if you can.
Labels: job
@ 2:52 PM
helloo. this is vicki ng wan ting (: huang wan ting (:
i am cute
i scuks my darling rockss !!!!!!
i love ptll
yay . i got 2 eyes 1 nose and 1 mouth and dont forget about my 2 ears .
i am a dummy
p is S M A R T Y
BYEBYEBYE , dummy go find work liaoo
@ 12:15 PM
Hello! :D
Woah, was busy yesterday so didn't blog.
Woke up at noon. (:
Ate lunch then went out with mummy and sister! :D
Went to cut my hair and treatment(make my hair smooth-er and straighter)
HAH, i bet you won't recognise me when you saw me laaa.
Unless those who were once close to me.
haha, :DD
Then night, we went to my lil' cousin's post-birthday. (No pictures!)
Two years old, Oh-so-CUTE.
She took, th knife to dig a small lil' hole in th cake then eat!
HAHAHA, super smart.
Th front look, still look pretty.(th back is where she dug a hole)
See, so cute and smart right! :DDD
I just woke up, hah.
Lunch sooon, yay!
Okay, i'm going out sooon.
Like, oooohlala! :DDD
I shall keep you in suspense how my fringe look like! :D
You may imagine, but you can't get th right one. HAHA :
I was super touched by Chanel's and Ira's message.That was th first text i saw when i woke up! Thankyou dear-lys! :DDDiloveyou!!! ♥Bye, loveeee. ♥Labels: Touched by you(:
Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 9:36 PM
Read it if you want!
You've two choices.
1. Read it. (:
2. Just forget about it, close this window.
It's your choice to read it anot.
Maybe, you may think it's crap.
But to me, it is NOT!
Oh, hey you've decided on choice 1.
So read it!
Okay, i've seen all your blogs.
I'm not avoiding you or whatever.
I heard Varsha said, Xiuqi said that i was waiting for someone/her.
But, i wasn't.
Told you all alr.
Or, maybe i heard wrongly. (i don't know)
I'm dumb or as what you said i was acting all along.
If i was acting why would i care for you, call you everynight, tell you my everything, share with you my secrets and do everything you wanted with you?
I know, i broke some of my promises.
I'm sorry.(i didn't say it as easy as you're reading)
Now, i don't know what to explain.
I'm on all your blogs.
Bitching out whatever you want on your blogs about me?
Wow, i'm not hurt at all.
That's shit, if you believed.
I'm a bitch, then you are? I don't know.
I don't play with my bestfriends/friends feelings or trust or anything.
Remember, you said friends are your everything.
To me, they are too.(serious!)
You can not believe, but that's th truth.
Like what you said, i know it'll be diffcult for us to forget each other.
Th times we had, th days we spent together, those times we cried foolishly for dumb things, th many dumb stuff we played together, those craziest times of my life, th stupid things we did for someone, and many other.
You'll be able to forget all those?
Well, let me tell you. I won't.
Those times are th happiest time, i guess it'll just be my memories.
I know having quarels are irritating if it's everyday.
I want a stop to it too.
Again, like what you said,
we were so close before, it's hard to forget...
Yea, me and her were superduper close too.
It's hard to forget, but we've patched up.
Friends again. (:
I thought you were going to Malaysia, so i didn't tell you.
&, i did say hello and pass th money to her(X). (:
And, i was on my way to school.
She wasn't meeting anyone, so was i.
So, we walked together to school.
In school, i also hi-ed her. (i remembered okay!)
To X:
Yea right, talk whatever you want. You can say th meanest things about me. I won't give a damn. Well, i know that's not me. You can bitch whatever you like about me! Woah, hold on. Mine life's a pathetic act, oh how about your's? You don't even know me, how can you say such things about me? I say you, you've got them to back you up. I text you, then what you go tell them. Then me? Did you even spare a thought for me? I think before we quarelled you already have this hatred in you. Well, now i know. Thankyou, for that hint?
I've posted what i wanted, you may bitch me more on your blogs.
I'll read it anyway. It's still th same, just not telling me straight in th face.
After you've read, believe it or not it's your choice. (:
AND those who want to be-friend with me!
Please BEWARE, I'm not a friend you can keep!
It's your choice, if you wna be my friend.
I don't mind making new friends. (:
OHOHOH, new plans for this holiday.
- Read more(improve my English/Chinese)
- Do practices for Math/Science.
- Job(i need money!)
- Exercise, workout(my figure!)
- Cut my hair!(new look?)
- Outings with my loves.(call me out! :D)
- Catch those movies i have in mind! :D
Okay, that's for now.
Will add more to it, i think. (:
Bye, loveee.Labels: Memories i'll keep.
@ 7:35 PM
Oh, i was clearing my room today.
I was a Purple & Orange lover before i became a Pink lover.
I've many purple stuff, and in pictures my clothes were orange(and other colours of course)
See, prove! :DDD
Now, i still like pink but add white, black and grey. (:
I collect Pooh stickers (300plus)
I also collected those books with lockers, which in th end became my diary.
I've read all my diaries. (:
Woah, my super singlish(english).
Okay, i also bought those D-I-Y stuff.
Remember, in primary school.
Back then, th 'in' thing was...strings.
You know th one you take 2 strings and tie them together.
And tie knots till you can't tie.
Blahblah, if you did that.I bet you'll understand what i'm trying to say.
Then after that time, th 'in' thing yarn balls.
Woah, i've like so many of them lah.
I still have th leftover yarns(still new!), can knit a sweater.
Hah, LOL.
I think i really like DIY stuff, hoho.
Labels: D-I-Y stuff.
@ 1:23 AM
Will update soon sweeties!
Pictures(if have)
Okay, i'm using my phone to blog. Some reasons, daddy don't allow me use th laptop. Well, i've my phone. Oh, whatever. I'll work double-ly hard, (:
I wna sleep alr, tired.
Nights, love.
Labels: Update soon.
Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 2:43 AM
Qiyuan's New English name is QUADRUAN.It's pronounced as Qua-drain. (i think)HAHAHA! :DDDDLabels: Qiyuannn.
Thursday, October 23, 2008 @ 8:23 PM
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :D Okay, today's th last day of school for 2008.
YAY! (:
means there's no need to wake up early every morning and rush myself to school.
Good right, can sleep.
& my holiday plans can work out. :DDDD
Went school, had serious talks.
bestfriends again(:
I screwed up everything,
I saw her crying, i felt so sad/bad.
Yet i couldn't do anything,
Just standing aside, looking at you. ):
I'm sorry. D:
Class photo, 2/3!
I'll miss everyone of you. D: :
Back: Paterlin, Huihui.
Front: Wanling, Vicki, Esther.
From back to front(left to right)
Paterlin, Esther.
Wanling, Vicki(i've got a heart)
Najah, Amira. :
Back: Winda, Paterlin, Esther.
Front: Amira, Najah, Huihui, Vicki. :
Vicki, Yollanda & Lina. :
Esther, Huihui & Vicki. :
Huihui! (My steady, two years.) :

Esther! (class chairwoman) :
Amira! :

Najah! :

Wanling! (i look werid?!) :

Paterlin! :

Chengyan! (YANYANbaby) :

Winda! (mummy/dapigu) :

Vicki(small part), Winda(i strangle her!) & Huihui. :

Bye, ♥
My results ain't that good.
I'm gna work harder next year! :D
Slim, make my plans work.'
Be a better person. (:
Labels: Happy holidays. (:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 11:15 PM
A second chance.FREAKING YAY!*SCREAAAMS!*ILOVEYOU always. ♥I will do it, i promise. (:Trust me.Labels: loveee.
@ 10:11 PM
I got into Express next year, :DDDDClose shave. Honestly,
I never act in front of you or anything. (I SWEAR!)
& you're not dumb, [:
I take my friends/best friends (mostly you) as everything in th world.
You meant to me, you're important. (really)
I trusted you more than anyone(that's th truth!)
I care, i do..i do...i really do.
Or else why would i be tearing now.
Remember what i promised you on my blog, i will do it. (previous post)
& i said i won't love, i just need best friends like you.
I did it, really. I finally manage to do it.
I want you to be my friend/ Iwant to be your friend.
I love you(always) ♥
Please Trust me once more, i WILL change.
I promise.
Like what you both said, 'promise' is a big word.
I know, i was thinking about it too.
This, i promise i won't let you down.
(please, trust me once more. A second chance?)
I'm sorry.
I hurt you again and again,
I promise it won't happen again, REALLY.
I keep to my promises now, (i'll buy a lil' notebook to keep all my promises in it, so i won't forget and bring it everywhere.)
I will let you see th change in me, so that your efforts are not gone to waste.
REALLY, believe me pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
P/s. I won't want another friendship breakup.
It's your choice now, to give me another chance.
I PROMISE, (& i'll keep to it.)
I will always love you no matter what(till th end of th world.)
P/s. I won't hurt you again. I'm sorry.
It's your choice whether you wna be friends with me.I wrote all i wanted.I'm sorry.I just need another chance, i will not waste it.Please, I will keep my promises. (like what i stated above)I will always love you.♥I shall let you chosse. I hope you would give me another chance. (:Labels: A second chance.
Monday, October 20, 2008 @ 10:55 PM
I'm sorry, D:Today just totally scuks.Results scuks.Day scuks.Everything scuks.D:I've read your blogs.
P/s. I'm sorry.
P/s/s. I don't mean th way you see things.
Tears are rolling down my cheecks this instant. ]':
Like what Varsha said, i think i don't know you well. D:
This whole year, we've been having quarrels over & over again.
I know some are my fault, I apologise here.
After i've read your blog,
I then realised how much you hated me.
Do you even like me as your friend?
I don't know.
Maybe, i'm not even fit to be your friend.
& For th last time, I'm not running away from my problems.
Neither am i 5, i know what i'm doing.
I'm not a coward towards you guys.
You were furious then, if i were to talk to you, you'll be screaming and our quarrel would end up worser.
Andand, i didn't say what you heard, (chicken ba la ba ba)
So, i let you cool down first.
Thinking where i went wrong. I thought it was a misunderstanding.
I thought, i was right then.
That's why i showed you my attitude, but now i know i'm in th wrong.
I'm sorry, i know somethings can't be solved just by saying 'sorry'
I've apologised in my blog, my messages to you.
I'm sorry. D:(
I know you don't like me.
P/s, This is th exact same way me and P broke off.
P/s/s. My character is like that.
God bless me, and you! :D
Labels: Can a sorry be counted?
Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I helped with th chores.
Okay, i was a good girl. (I am always oneee!)
Um, i don't feel like blogging today.
HAH, i don't know what show i'm watching now.
But it's kindof nice.
Waiting for Varsha to onlineee.
Baby. Where'd you go, i miss you so.
Crapping(again!) , oh whatever.
GOSH, my results are out tomorrow! D:
God bless me. (: Haha.
O's are tomorrow. Well, those who are taking it. Goodluck! :DMay God bless you! :D (♥)Labels: imissyou so?
Saturday, October 18, 2008 @ 10:58 PM
GOSH, I'm Tanned.(again!)
Went to CCA, then rushed home.
Packed up, changed then rushed out.
Even so, i was late for half an hour.(i'm always late D:)
Changed meeting point, inside Mrt.
Met Varsha and Rachel in th train, & trained to somerset(i don't know how to spell!)
Was late, partly cause of me. HAIYOYO, D:
Listen to instructions before we start our small-scale Amazing Race! :D
Took what we needed, planned and off we go.
Now, i so know Orchard, Dhoby Ghaut and Somerset laaa.
We ran from end to end, to and fro. (many times)
Ended up, we were th last team to reached th meeting point.
We went to th wrong Burger King. (!)
Okay, then saw FQY's message. He said he saw me.
So, called him. (Anyway, he missed call me)
AND he told me he was at Tangs, we were at Center Point eh.
He asked us to go over. D:
See, one end to th other. (again!)
HAH, i think i can lose weight if i do this everyday.
Then walked in th rain with Varsha and Rachel to meet him.
Heh, we're nice people! :DDDDD
Met him and went to eat at Macs.
Gain back what we just lost! D:
He went off, awhile later we went off too.
I went to Toa Payoh, while Varsha and Rachel went to Yishun. (Church)
I was pathetic-ly shopping alone, for one hour as my parents were late.
We were supposed to go to my uncle's place. LOL.
They met me, then drove to th condo.
It was Oh-so-Pretty, okay. Th outside look.
HAHA, had dinner. & Cam-whored. :DDDDD
My lil' cousin and my brother was superduperuber cutesy! :DDDDD
& a lil' celebration for my cousin.
And, she(Jiahui) was supposed to blow off th candles, but my lil' cousin did!
It was like so Funny! (you won't understand!)
ANDAND, H-o-m-e! :D
Th other day, V2 :
My sister and me, i look so worn-out :
Siblings! ♥ Th NG's : Mummy! ♥ :

Cousinnnnns :DDDDDD
Renwen, Felicia, Vicki, Jingwen and Jiahui! :

Th L.O.V.E within us. ♥ :

Yuan An just pose there!
Cute right! :
Front- Audric and Yuan An.
Back- Felicia, Renwen, Vicki, Jingwen, Jiahui. :
Told you, a lil' celebration. :
& th cake's without egg, a lil' dry.
Okay, i wna sleep alr.
Superduperuber tired, ran for two hours then shopped for another one hour.
Now it's like 1.05am, Goodnight! :DDDD
Labels: Tanned ):
Friday, October 17, 2008 @ 10:20 PM
HOHOHO, went to Varsha's.Was like soso F-U-N.We watched movies, ate chips & drank milo iceblend. :DDDGOSH, i'm going to add on to my fats. ): Do stuff what all girls should do! :DDDDHAHAHA! :DWe missed out so much every since afew months back.Wasted, D:Butbut, it was nice to be with them.We're no longer that close, but yet memories and happy times are kept. (I think!)HAH, well all forgotten (: (Bad memories)Happy Hyper Vicki Ng Wan Ting is back! :DDDDDOh, we made some pretty plannings.This is going to be F-U-N!!! (I hope!)Had dinner, now blogging. (:OH, Goodluck to all sweeties having their O's on Monday! :DDDOkay, BYE. ♥I could just throw you aside now, (:Haiyoyo, i'm still lazy to upload.SORRY, dear-lysI promise, okay? (:LOVELOVE.♥Labels: My life's all perfect without you. (:
@ 12:28 AM
I'm alright, (:And guess what, look at my friendster comment then link to Varsha then you'll understand! :DHAH, we're like soso Retarded, Spastic and That's our middle name! (:It's Oh-so-FUN, okay! Went to school, i'm a good student. (:andand, Miss Claudia taught us this.& well, it's about our deepest fear.I'm nice to share, okay. :DDD"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves. Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine. As we are liberated from our own fear; our presence automatically liberates others."
Our Deepest Fear.
By Marianne Williamson.
Oh, then after school.
Went to Library with Cliques.
And walked home with Suying, talked & chatted.
We even went to Fairprice, shared our favourite foods/drinks.
HAHA, it was so much funnn. :DDD
We parted from there, D:
Then there was this Indian lady. (I'm not a racist!)
She offered to share her umbrella with me can.
She sheltered me , how sweet of her.
Then i walked home aloneee (:
PICTURES, next time. (:Lazyness, oh-freaaak. Labels: Oh-so-nice day.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 9:17 PM
I've no mood to blog now. ]';Well, went to Tampines then to Bishan Park and went home.Ohwell, f that pain ]';Labels: Th pain inside of me.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 1:35 PM
Okay, we didn't meet in th morning.We both overslept. :xChanged to 4pm, (:We're going running/jogging laterrr.Oh, i couldn't sleep last night.I don't know why. D:I was rolling, tossing and turning all night. (seriously!)Thoughts went through my mind. I even tried counting sheeps, but yet i couldn't sleep. D:So i think, in th early morning then i fell alsleep.Oh, you may think that i'm crapping. But i am not. (:
Anyway, th last goodbye's soon.I'll miss you D:&and we both decided, no love. Will blog agan tonight(i think, or maybe tomorrow?), pictures too! :DLove.♥Labels: Th Last Goodbye.♥
Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 11:55 PM
Hello! :DVarsha came over and pick me up.
Then we head to Causewaypoint with our Oh-So-Empty bag.
Ate, then we went shopping (:
She bought herself a Eeyore and she bought me Pooh! :DDD
Later, we went to Give A Name.
Hoho, we bought stuff to personalised our bag!
Which is like SuperPersonalised and extremly BlingBling!
'Vicki' on mine & 'Varsha' on her's.
Well, we like it. Anyway, it's our bag. (:
After that, we trained to Yishun.
Went to Popular, to get Varsha's books.
& There was two school girls, screaming 'IDIOT!' and 'ASSHOLE!' to each other.And you know what, they're just a meter or further abit from each other.Retarded much, GOSH.Later, we cabbed to Woodlands Stadium. (cause we both don't know where th exact location was)
We walked there, (:
First up, climbing of hill.
As we both don't usually climb hills.So, it's like hardwork. And th grass were like so long which is tickling our leg. Superduper ichy. D:
& Th hill was stiff and high(i think.)
Hey, we aren't that tall and we are girls. We were also not properly dressed.
Ps./We were wearing camptee, shorts and slippers.
Pss./We took off our slippers halfway up.
Hah, if you were there. I bet you'll be laughing at us, we were like screaming and shouting.
& th grass got something inside, pain okay.
Then 'tadaaa!', we reached th top.
We camwhore, rest, talk.
Awhile later, we walked down.(there were stairs to walk?)
Sat at th playground, heart-to-heart talks.
Walked around, then cabbed homeee.
AND daddy's agreed to sign me up for dance class! :DDDBest thing, Varsha's going too! :D
Talk to mummy(as planned)Everything worked out! :DDDDDi love Daddy & Mummy! ♥Pictures will be uploaded soon, I can't post(&i don't know why) D:I promise soooon, okay?Nights, ♥Actual time now is 1.10am. Okay, i shall sleep now. Going jogging/running with Varsha at 8am.Labels: We rule ourselves (:
Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 5:40 PM
HELLO! :DYesterday,Went to Grams house(every saturday thingy).Was babysitting them(Issac & Rachel).Hoho, i'm good at it :DDD&& Issac wore swimming costume th whole day.Why? -We wanted to go swimming first before going to Grams, but th weather wasn't good.Dinner then homeee :DToday,I'm like at home th whole day.GOSH, th weather is like soso Hot!Yesterday's pictures!~As told, see him in swimming costume:
My fringe is like soso ugly D:
ps./ i taught her to sit this way.

Okay, bye♥
Will start to update my blog,
& post pictures! :DDD
Labels: A better day.
Friday, October 10, 2008 @ 9:47 PM
HOHOHO, went to collect my polkadots bag. :DDDDI went there abit too early, so went shopping alone. Loner D:After that, went to Christine's condo.BIG and pretty, looks like doll house. :DDDDDWe were on th web, i was sososo like arghhhh.You know what, gaygod(from youtube) is like so cute lah.Then he gay, WASTED one can.Whatthehell!~ So wasted one lah, unfair.Why are all th guys either taken or gay!HAHAHA! then bus & train home with Kristine (:OVERDUE PICTURES! :DDDDDDI look Oh-So-FAT! Oh whatever, don't judge. Anyway, you ain't any better.Spasctic & Retarded pictures are what i like, :DTold you, i was out with Caroline! :DD :
Some study date! :D (with B.Varsha) :
I did study, okay. (See, prove!) :
Family day out!(pictures only with sister!) :


TODAY! (with Kristine and Suying)Credits: Christine (:PosePosePOSE! :
HAH, this is how crazy we can be :

Th bag! (polkadots) :
Kisses! :D
&and, Vicki! (of course, ME!)

KRISTINE! i♥her.

SUYING! i♥her too.
Okay, i shall stop here.Pictures posted :DDDDDDBye, ♥Labels: A day out at Christine's.