Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 9:21 PM

Stayed home th whole morning,
was webcam-ing with SuperGGGGGG:D
Ps./You must be honored(:
Varsha cabbed over to my place, [:
We were like totally freaked out, his fault D:
Screams, Laughters, Shouts could be heard if you were in my house.HAHAHA
Then we went out to have our lunch(:
ate, then trained to AMK.
Hah, meet Slowpoke/Lazypig.
He was so slowwww can.
Trained to Woodlands then bused homeee(:

Today's Auntie-fied day, for some reasons. HAHAHA
Varsha and Me! :D


Hello, love.
Welcome to Vicki's blog, @! Navigations are at the top, 'Vicki' 'Ng' 'Wan' 'Ting'. Read and tag. (:
Loveyou all! (L)