Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 12:06 AM
Heyhey! :D hellohellohello.I've not been blogging, for a week.GOSH, sorry sweeties who view my blog frequently.Thanks for reading my lil' blog, continue? (:Had been real busy.Everyday same routine, Go school. After school, meet them. Go home, bathe, study(on th phone) then sleep.Monday, 22 september.Went to school.After school, played volleyball.Tuesday, 23 september.Went to school.Wanted to watch movie, in th end study.Wednesday, 24 september.Went to school.Had remedial for D & T.I haven finish my work, GOSH!Thursday, 25 september.Went to school. Had English paper, EOY.Paper 1, okay lah. Not too bad.Paper 2, Not bad too (:Friday, 25 september.Went to school.Had Mother-tongue paper, Chinese.Paper 1, i was like how to do write this letter and th compo.End up, wrote craps.Paper 2, was like so hard. Not enough time lah.I was reading one question for 15minutes before i even understand it lah.then no time, MCQ is tyco guess. WE SAW CAROLINE!SHE'S BACK!!!!:DToday!Saturday, 26 september.Went out with Caroline, her mummy, her granny and Varsha.It was sooooooooooo FUN! You know what, this is th very first time we actually go out together.SO COOOOOLLLL lah!!!!!!!!Everywhere we go, people go like this 'supergirls'Ps./ Varsha and i were wear superman tee yo!walk, shop, look, see, laugh, drink, HYPERRR!then bus/train-d back to Woodlands, had dinner.then meet them, went to that haunted block, superduperuber scary can.We(V2) were like screaming, i was like freaked out and scared th shiat out of me.then homeee.Pictures will be uploaded soon, wait yea? :DLabels: A week's updateee.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 4:42 PM

Babybaby, i'm your super extrodinary superlady!
You go, 'Looklook, there she go again!' Well, then you SCREAM, 'Superlady!!!'
*Upup&away!* *zoomzoom*
My random-ness is back, so dear-lys mind me! Haha, Studying makes me Fat. You see, when i study i'll eat to make me concentrate. So that's why D:, &I DON'T WANT TO BE BOOMBASTIC!!!D:Yet, i need to concentrate. So irritating can. Arghhh, SCREAMMMS! Okay, i'm crappy now. Lalala, that's me! :D
I'm crappy and random. (:
Lovelove, bye.
Labels: Your superlady (:
Friday, September 19, 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Hello! :DJust posted for Varsha in her blog, loll.These few days, all were th same routine.SCHOOL, After school, eat. play. hyper.Wait, blahblahblah.Then meet them. HYPER ♥Nothing much really happened, (:I realised something, Everyday of our cliques, we have different things happening.COOOL, right?(envy much?)Today, Math class, my phone rang. Stupid message!? We all have th same message tone, damnit cool!!!!Ps./We(KV2) didn't know we have th same message tone.
I was like who's playing 7 things, then they were like your phone, your phone.Okay, i admit...I'm blur. HAHAHA.lalala, i don't care~then PE, played soccer :DDDDD After school, had th D & T workshop, i haven finish my thingy D:Talked it out, haven solved D:We were BOREDDDDDD, so we did this.....There's this blue thingy outside th field,to climb up... we will have to climb th fence.Well, we did that! Wah, then my fingers were like red. Painnnnn~We've different happenings everyday:DDDDDDD
& i love th way it happens. haha.
Bye, Takecare♥Labels: Different happenings
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 9:14 PM
Hello! :D Yesterday,EastCoast! :DIt's was FUNFUNFUN!!!Volleyball, Lunch, Hit th BEACH! :DDDDToday,School, (:After school, as normal.Meet them, go hall.Played, HYPER, something happened ]';WE'LL BE TH BEST-OF-BESTFRIENDS! ♥♥♥Love-ly Moments! Pictures! :DDKV2♥
Kristine and Varsha!

Bye, Takecareee.♥I need to STUDY, like nowww.Exams are like days away, like a week.GOSH, everything must be like in my head! ARGHHHHHHHH, nevermind. I'm SUPER! :DDDDDLabels: KV2 FOREVER♥♥♥
Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Why does all sad things happen when i'm in sec2.
Maybe sometimes it's better to not know th truth, th truth may hurt.
And ya, it does. For th 5th time.
I did what i could alr,
Goodluck for people having their EOY and people taking their O's.
Labels: i scuk.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 12:08 PM
To C:
I've been thinking why, what had happened and yah, isit my fault and all that crap. Well, i see you very happy now, i'm glad too. I tried to say hello to you, but you didn't reply. I wanted us to be best of friends again, i guess that won't happen again. I always thought it was my fault. I got all emotional and crap. Then our cliques had to go through shiat. All against me, quarrels. I was damnit hurt, my mind was, why don't i go and die. After how i've seen you, i don't think there's a need. I don't expect too much, just a hi-bye friend, will do? I don't know alr. I know you've gone through enough, well goodbye our days together. Only memories, yea? Stay happy(:
Mine dear friend.
Labels: Something on my mind.
@ 1:28 AM
Hello! :D
Guess what, i'm blogging with my phone, cool right? Haha.
Past few days th routine were th same, after school had lunch then library, studied. Then home.
Okay, today.
Studied abit, not alot.
Went out to family gathering.
Played with candles(:
Then home.
Was chatting with Varsha and Kristine!:DDD
Ps./Sweeties, please don't text my phone. Sot alr, Can't receive any messages D: DAMNIT~ ):
Bye, loves.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 9:18 PM
Studied with Varsha(:
Went to Malacca with family!
Spastic pictures are th love yo! ♥
Wednesday; Day one,
Malacca's town!
Ohmygosh, right? :
Thursday; Day two,
lil' cousins, damnit cute(:
Friday; Day three,
packup then went to swim.
& home(:
Went to family gathering, (:

church and project.
Went to th doctors with Varsha.
Then th group of friends came along.
Went under one block, retarded stuff.
then home, at 9plus.
Arguements, blahblahblah.
Played, chatted.
went to th playground with th same group of people :D
Fun though.
Wednesday(Today) ,
Did project(:
met up with Lavin, (:
talked, craped.
Saw many cats D:
Ps./I'm scared of cats! D:
Then home, [:
Credits for uploading th pictures, JIANMIN(Bangla!:D)
I Won't Be Blogging This Few Weeks As I'll Be Having My EOY, miss me? HAH, kidding(:
This will be th last post before i really get things started.
But you can still text me(:
Bye, Takecare♥
imissyou SCYY! D:
Labels: ♥Updated after many days.
Saturday, September 6, 2008 @ 4:45 PM
Sorry for not updating my blog! D:Will update soon, (:Bye, takecare.loves'Labels: imy
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Studied and Movie-d(:Meet Dave,Freaking funny can(:Reached home at 9plus 10? SCYY is a Baddy, Bullier, BlurSotong, Slowpoke, LaoUncle and LazyFellow!HAHAHA.& I'm niceeeeee:DDDDDPictures, next time.(:Labels: cute
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 9:21 PM
Hello:DStayed home th whole morning,was webcam-ing with SuperGGGGGG:DPs./You must be honored(:
Varsha cabbed over to my place, [:
We were like totally freaked out, his fault D:
Screams, Laughters, Shouts could be heard if you were in my house.HAHAHA
Then we went out to have our lunch(:
ate, then trained to AMK.
Hah, meet Slowpoke/Lazypig.
He was so slowwww can.
Trained to Woodlands then bused homeee(:
Today's Auntie-fied day, for some reasons. HAHAHA
Varsha and Me! :D
Labels: Auntie-fied day.