Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 7:37 PM
Okay, i'm like playing volleyball almost everyday.Today, school was as normal.Miss Claudia was superduperuber cute during literature class.She was practically talking to th broom.HAHAHAHA. So cute cans.I was laughing crazy-ly. LOLLAfter school, played volleyball with my cliques, Ashley, Xiaoen, Rachel, Myra and Michelle.Michelle was super cute lah.Everytime th basketball come, she run then try to shoot th ball into th lope.After that, bused to Causewaypoint.ate fries, then walked around Causewaypoint.looklook, seesee.then bused home with Kristine.Didn't really cam-whore.
no pictures..
Next time, yea?
Byebye, love♥Labels: Volleyball:D
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 6:43 PM
School was as usual.Varsha and me wasn't hyper during Geography.We were abnormally quiet.Then Amira was like, are you two okay?
We were like, yah, or else why will we be siting together.HAHAHA. super cute lah she :DLater, MissEleora ask us why were we so quiet. And said we quiet very scary.Almost everyone thought we quarreled canns.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.We were just doing our own stuffs. lollAfter school, was th same as yesterday!VolleyBall!!!Played with th same people and Rachel.
She's so cute! :DDWe were like playing while doing th bimbo-tic moves. HAHAHA!Super Fun!After that, bused to Causewaypoint.Bought bubbletea, heart-to-heart talks then HOME(:Today is a SuperDuperUber Fun day! :DLove-ly pictures! ♥Xiuqi! :
Rachel, Varsha, Kristine and Vicki:D Look, they're so cute :
Show me your bigbig smile! :
Bye, love♥
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 6:11 PM
School was as usual(:After school, wanted to go Sentosa one.But then, must stay back for th chinese compo.Super hard canns. I suck at Chinese.I always fail chinese, though i myself is a 100% chinese.After that, I played Volleyball with Varsha, Suying, Lina, Eugene, Zixuan and Marcus(: We play rough rough one, FUNNNNNN:DD They want play rough but Cannot Make It(C.M.I) HAHAHAHAHA. Be original[: Marcus was acting cute lah. Nevermind, he's so cute. HAHAHA!
Later, Varsha and i go eat KFC. Super long never eat already canns. Okay, then bused home(:Vicki :D :
Chanel, eating and texting :
Okay, bye.Seriously, i wna do well for my Maths.MrsAng gna teach Varsha and me(:She so nice, CUTE!♥Labels: I will work hard(:
Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 7:17 PM
Gosh, my head hurts and my throat hurts.Ohshitttttttttttt~haven done any of my homework):School was as usual, except for afew assholes who ruin my day.Anyway, I always have bad things going on Monday D:Monday Blues.After school, ate Pastamina(don't know how to spell.) with Kirstine, Varsha, Suyng and Xiaoen.After that, bused to Varsha's.Had girls' talk then i slept.Super sleepy.zzzthen cabbed home(:My phone's back today! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDPictures will be up soon[:
Sunday, July 27, 2008 @ 2:28 PM
Hello.Yesterday,had breakfast at macs with Andrei and Shengdong.Later, Weixun came:DWent for GB(get my badge)Halfway, went off.Bused home, bathed, changed then went out.My uncle's wedding.I got help out(:Today,Daddy promised to bring me to repair my phone and get my new specs.Later, going. i guess):I'm like researching for my CME thingy.It's about Terry Fox(:He's so coolllll!Okay, I wna do homework alr.Journal and Maths. CME too D:ROSES are th ♥MeMeMe...Vicki:D :
Orange Juice!:

V + F =Sisters♥ :

Like Father like Daughters:DDD :

Cousins! Oh-so-CUTE!:D :
Ladies, Roses yea(:

Bye, Love-lys
♥I'm still having Flu D:Labels: Roses are th ♥
Friday, July 25, 2008 @ 10:21 PM
Hyper and Happy Day!Okay, My class guys finally made me hyper and happy. They're freaking cute canns:D Actually, I came to school hyper alr. They made me even hyper-er, especially ShengDong Zhuren/ Hyper Pill Varsha bused to my house, we walked together:D
Bought Sweets, Chocolates and FamousAmos:DDDMorning Assembly, we did something stupid.HAHAHAI suggested to stand up first in th whole school(:And you know what, Varsha and I did it.Super funny canns, we stand up then we laughlaughlaugh.Then sit back down.Super paiseh lah. Had th Anti-gambling thing on.Played games, won treats. ate there:DAfter school, had GB rehearsal, NDP for school ones.Stand there like want faint lah, I got Flu plus my head super duper uber pain):Then go sit down and rest...After that, went to find Varsha they all.Ran outside school with Varsha.Walked to Jingquan's with Shengdong, Andrei and Varsha. Weixun went off halfway.They helped me carry my bag:D Thankyou!Later, went to Varsha's. Something happened.Walked round Varsha house there:DDThen trained to my house with Varsha.Awhile later, we went to Admiralty for dinner.Walked around there for 1-2 hours.Then her daddy come pick her home.
Reached home at 10plus(:P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S!

I saw you sitting in a corner,
i wanted to go over.
But then, MrRahman came.
i was just this close to talk to you):
Th letter i wrote to you, was my true feelings.
I did care for you.
Takecare, Restwell. imy!
Bye, Sweetie♥
Labels: so near yet so far.
Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 5:50 PM
MOODY AND MOOD-LESS. Sorry for those, i showed attitude to.
& Thankyou for those, who tried to make me Happy.
I really appreciate it(:
Came to school with a bad flu, Moodless.
Cabbed to school with my sister, her friend and Chanel.
Reached class, copy homework.
then pass th Mathematical Instrumental set to Qiyuan, that i was finding before i go to school.
Assembly, then Chinese.
got spelling, confirm all wrong(:
English then recess.
tried to Hyper up, but cannot]:
Qiyuan go pull my hair canns. Whatthehell~
then was Literature, Test.
Don't know how to do.zzz
Science, MissNila last day):
i don't want her go lah, she's so nice, cute, sweet and cool.
i will miss her!
She gave all of us a card:D
Some of us wrote her a byebye card.
Group work, then Photo(:
After school, sat in Varsha and my "Happy Circle"
that was what made me Hyper up again!:DDDDD
then Camwhore. Credits: Tang
Later, went to find Eugene they all and my cliques.
Basketball, wanted to snatch th ball one.
But then, loss of mood):
then sat on th stage, middle.
After that, walked to Vista then buy bubbletea.
Went to VistaPark to play:DDDDD
At first, no mood one.
Slowly, mood came back(:
Played with swing again.FUNNNN.
and other stuffs.
Winda, Suying, Xiaoen, MissNila, Vicki, Varsha, Xiuqi and Kristine(:
We will miss her :
Credits: Tang
Our "Happy Circle" :DDDDDDDD :
Th stage! :
Credits: Varsha.
VistaPark! :D
Not in order: Vicki, Kristine and Suying.
Credits: kristine
Not in order: Vicki, Varsha and Suying.
Bye, Love-lys♥
I went to school for Kristine today(:
*touched uh
Labels: Mood-less Day
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 @ 8:29 PM
In th morning, recieved a message.Varsha want meet me then go school together.Bathed, tie hair then changed.Waited for her at th bus-stop.7am then she reached canns.Then we still heckcare, walk to school.walk halfway, rain alr.Actually, we want late one(:then MrsQuek(WRPS VP) say, bring us to school.*Thankyou!Her car super cool one:DDDthen got down, walk to class.Haven late, we keep laughing.LOLLClasses were th same, no difference.After school, went to Vista with YangKeng, Fiona, Varsha and KristineAte.Chat.Crap.Laugh.Shout.then went to VistaPark to play SWINGGGG!Varsha and I was like running to th swing like some small kidd.Swing! Laugh! Play! Scream! Camwhore!YangKeng go throw th swing at me.then kena my leg]:Varsha fell over me, piak my hand):then went to find Enrico, then walked to Chanel's.Talk.Chat.Crap.then went home, changed.After that, went to Fiona's.Play.Chat. Lovely stuffs.then went to Admiratly with Chanel. Dinner. then home(:bathed, now blogging.SWINGGGGG!some ugly pictures deleted[:
ME, Varsha and Fiona:D
Vicki! :D

Juliana(Primary school friend)!
ByeBye, Sweeties♥Labels: iloveSWING
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 7:37 PM
Happy Racial Harmony Day!
Anyway, this whole week is Racial Harmony day(:
Woke up at 4.45am.
Bathed then bused to Varsha's.
th whole bus only have me and 2 more humans, so pathetic canns.
Changed our clothes, into...Indian style!
Super cool eh, th dot at th forehead.
I was like so facinated by that.lolllll
I scorpion-ed Varsha's and mine hair(:
It's nice okay, I'm a good Hairdresser.
Her daddy drove us to school:D
Once he stopped, we took off our heels and ran to th paradesquare.
PS: My first time wearing heels, i didn't fall.
Everyone was like looking at us.ARGHHH.
They said i looked nice.LOLLLLL
After th teacher say,"2/3".
We were like running away.
MissSharifah was like asking us to take a photo with them.
Ohwell, we can't run away D:
Took photos, went back class.
Art lesson, th teacher ask us take pictures. Again...
Take, drawdrawdraw.
Scorpion-ed Amira's hair too.
Maths then Recess!
At canteen, so many people looking...
Super Duper Uber paiseh canns.
Chinese got test, composition. idon'tknow what i was writing.
MissNila was like, "i find th most gorgeous girl to stand infront of th class."
I was like covering my face.LOLLLL
Okay, she say"Oh, you're Vicki, come out."
Stand infront.
She sprayed th perfume, i don't like perfume.loll
After school,
Cabbed with my cliques to Causewaypoint.
Before that, was outside th Staffroom, Camwhoring((:
Meet Alex(Not my Boyf.) caught a movie with him and cliques.
Dark Knight. scaryyyy, no heart.
then went back to Varsha's to change up.
Later, met Enrico and Chanel.
Reached home at 9plus(:
Indian Costume!
i look oh-so-FAT D:
Varsha and I, in her house(:
In class:D
Najah and I(:
Amira and I(:
ME[: , See Weixun behind:
Najah says she like this Photo:DDD
MissRab(my wife), Vicki and Varsha:
Kristine, Varsha, MissClaudia, Vicki, Xiuqi and Suying:D
Today's actually 23.
Shall blog today next post[:
Labels: Racial Harmony Day
Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 8:17 PM
Happy Birthday Suying♥!Gosh, I look like some zombie today!Luckily, i have NO dark eye rings(:Last night chat with Chanel, Alex, Varsha and Kristine.Later become Alex chatting with me.Chat until 4plus. Slept for one1/2 hour canns.Went to School with my sister and her friend.Chanel didn't go to school.lollBought manymany sweets and chocolates:DDDDThey're my drug for today, or i can't keep my eyes opennnnn.Went to school, Kritine told me that today was Suying's birthday.I was like," Oh, happy birthday." in those super sleepy voice.then Kristine and Xiuqi burst into laughter.zzzMusic then English, never bring or do th homework lah.Recess, gave Elaine th 'iloveyou' loveletter!Later was, Science. Gosh, i nearly fell alsleep.then CME, test. Wow test again, tomorrow got 2 more if not wrong.Maths, did not listen. Doing th Birthday card for Esther(:then Assembly, Super boring and longggggg.Ended, Varsha and i chiong to class.Shitty Mama, no keys.*screamthen pack our things, left our stuffs for tomorrow under th table.then chiong to th toilet, changed.Chiong to Causewaypoint. Bought cake:Dtrained to AMKhub.then went to Fairprice extra, bought th forks and plates.then went to find Ben, his Birthday tomorrow. They made trouble there, as usual.Went to find a place where we could light up th candles. MosBuger! th otuside there.put th candles, play th age game as planned.HAHAHAblow candles, cut cake. ate.then i go mix th cream and th cake, leftovers.Varsha and me used our finger then piak it on Ben's face.Stanely, freaking took th whole cake and piak it on his face and th botak head lah.Laughlaughlaugh. Jokejokejoke. Playplayplay.Byebye, th guys cabbed home.Kristine, Suying, Varsha and I trained home.I was seriously looking like a zombie lah.Reach home, bathed and SLEPT.then had dinner, blogging now(:no pictures, didn't camwhore.FLU]:OohLala, tomorrow is Racial Harmony Day!Going to Varsha's th morning, wear costume.Can't wait.Arghh, i scared i look weird.nevermind, I'll just wear(:Labels: I can't wait(:
Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 1:57 PM
GOSH, I'm killing my brain cells!
Cracking my brains for th History Project.
& it's like due tomorrow.
Gosh, Shitty Mama.
I'm so doing this th whole day man.
And, you know what, I still have homeworks not completed.
-English worksheets and Weekend Journal.
-Chinese Composition and Comprehension.
-Maths questions.
Okay, people BYE.
Takecare, no time alr.
Labels: My Brain Cells
Saturday, July 19, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Today's th usual. nothing's different.NDP Ne show 3[:
Okay, there's only one thing to blog about...
NAVY have th most cutest guys and lots of them(:
Other Uniform groups also got afew.
I made Jolyn obsessed with th Navy.HAHAHA.
We were like, Ohmygosh, that's guy so cute. Look at him.
haha. Trisha and I don't need to like go in rounds just to see NAVY.
Today GB sat like super close with th Navy, just beside us.
They're like tanned, hot bods and cute!
Most of th girls' eyes are like at their direction.
Tell you what, after you go see th NDP guys.
Our school guys are nothing, no offence(:
Ohyah, and today's dinner was th best. seriously!
then th Ne show was kindof a disaster, th worst]:
Trisha! :
Vicki, Yunyi, Sixian and Trisha(:
Wanyee! :

Jolyn! :
Vicki, Jolyn and Siwei:D
Vicki, Shiwei, Jolyn and Siwei:DD

Find me[:
We were so not prepared :
Today's a beautiful day,Okay, bye lovely-s(:I'm gna sleep soon, super sleepy.tiredddd~Labels: Hotter than your Mama