Monday, June 9, 2008 @ 3:01 PM

oh, i'm like really tired.
okay, shall start from th first day...


As usual, i went for th NDP practice.
is like slackslack one.
as it was raining.
we were only eating, chatting, crapping,laughing...
only had 2 rehersals.
then went back GB Hq, take stuffs.
bused to th Sembawang GB, BB campsite-th place for th camp.
my group was Group 8[:
they're freaking nice people, funny too.
overall, they are cute.
had dinner, then played games.
oh, th games got to like train our perseverance, strength, teamwork, determination.
then supper.
bath and sleep.
th bathing time is like 5 pathetic mintues.


Wake up, wash up.
did th 5bX(exercise)
freaking ran for 10 rounds of th basketball court, very squeezy-120people running.
clean th auditorium and th toilet.
then Breakfast.Bread and kaya.
contiune cleaning th toilet.argghhh
then got some principal from don't know what company came for speech.
i was like sleeping there, super boring.
did drill.oh, i learn how to do reporting already(:
Lunch then one workshop.
then prepare for Corporals' Night.
must do skit, cheer and song eh.
then reherse, super funn and funny.
Dinner, and Corporals' Night starts.
funn and funny.laughters and cheers.sweet voices
then was th Test.
we got to like blindfold ourself then walk to Sembawang park.
slide down one dirty, i swear it's disgusting, dirty and smelly.*yucks
then played somemore games.
test on Teamwork. Perseverance, Communication and Encouragement.
was like freaking dirty, stinky, sticky, smelly.
Bath then Walk of Fame-like prize giving.
okay, we went up on stage took our Corporal t-shirt and photo[:
took out contacts then sleep.


woke up late, wash up.
then area-cleaning.
breakfast, we got to like stuff all th food in our mouths even if we are freaking full.
same food, Bread and Kaya. &biscuits from supper.
then we learn how to plan, how to play th jobs.
wrote in people bio's then big HUG:DDDD
did reflection and evalution.wrote craps.
Group Photo and bye camp:D
went back to school, boring and long talk.
sang vesper then Home.

okay, i need some fast food.
sweet drinks, milo.
i need nice food, not those food in th camp.
camp was tough, hard.
i cut my hand like on th first day of camp):
i'm a strong girl now(:

going out soon, i guess.
bye pretty people<3

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Loveyou all! (L)