Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 6:10 PM
Hello!Chat with Terence, Varsha and Kristine last night[:Slept at 3am woke up at 5am.oh, luckily i don't have dark eye rings((:Today walked to school with Chanel.
I was like crapping, i'm like entertaining her?!
Silent reading, i read my new storybook.
Varsha and i were like find beautiful words to scold each other.
Super fun cans(: Mr David and Mr koa came to ask us about reading th huge book.
First lesson, Music. Oh, th music teacher was MdmYam.
I shared an ice-cream with her before:D
Played th werid looking instrument.
i'm bad at music. i can't even read notes, seriously.
then was English, MissClaudia didn't come.
did maths sums. Kristine was teaching me. Thanks(:
Then was recess, brought my huge book and that few maths sums i can't solve.
Oh, Susan helped me solve(: Smart girl!
After that was Science, i can understand what th teacher is teaching.
She teach better than MissLim, seriously. lol
Then was CME, A relief teacher took us.
Later, was maths(:
I was waiting like th whole day for MrsAng to show us th sub. method.
She herself said that's easier.
then PC.
Oh, another of my science teacher was th relief teacher.
She's super cute.
came over to talk to us(:
She taught me maths too:D
After school, i look as if i'm some invisible person cann.
cabbed to Causewaypoint with Eugene, Jethro and Varsha.
Ate Pizzahut with Varsha, Kristine, Xiuqi and Suying.
bused home with Kristine(:
Ran for th phone dial Eugene's number.
chat while waiting for Varsha to call in.
Then bathed, now blogging.
I got like homework to do.
- Chinese comprehension ; due tmr
- Chinese composition ; due tmr
- English personal recount ; due tmr
- Maths 3 sums ; due tmr
- Science workbook ; due tmr.
i got like super many homework.
Tonight maybe chating with Terence, Jasper, Varsha, Kristine and Xiuqi[:

We're Fringe-less. HAHAHA

Hello there, my new storybook(:

Look at my face. Tanned]:

Be Original, Stop your Copying.
Labels: It's hard to love you.
Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 9:51 PM
I'm posting again.
i bought th english dictionary i wanted(:
oh, went out for dinner.
shop at Causewaypoint...
I wore my specs today[:
Guessed you people, haven see me with specs before uh.
so yea, here are th pictures:DDD
It's ugly]:
All smiles(:
what were we doing?! haha.
i don't know what that hand was for.
Me and my sister, Felicia(:
Ice-lemon tea!
Kiss me goodnight. *kidding(:
Haha, so how i look in my specs?
i don't care ugly or not.
i just post[:
I'm gna do my English homework with Varsha at 11pm(:
Okay, bye.
@ 5:20 PM
i feel random.
SCREAM my BIGBIG name.VICKI NG WAN TING!okay, i don't know how to do math question 3.Varsha doesn't know too.HAHAHA.i'm smart, i shall ask Kristine to teach me:DDDShe's good in maths, i'm not):i want to study hardhard.i want to get a Doctor's grade.super cool lah.then my name will be eg. Doctor Vicki Ng Wan Ting.Super nice cann.i want get that name!i just realised, type my full name at google then you can click to my bloggggg.ssuupperrr cooooooool~What do i want to be when i grow up?haha. sudden thought of it?i want be someone who can help people, share their troubles.Okay, i want to be a SOMEONE. not a nobody when i grow up(:arghh, i don't know.i sound like some kind of kid thinking of my ambition.funny eh.Gosh, i haven complete my homework.i'm like super lazy...wrote another post as i'm BORED.okay, BYE again(:
@ 2:45 PM
I'm TANNED ]:i hate that i'm tanned.i hate that th sun makes me tanned.i DON'T want to be tanned!i DON'T like it either.i woke up in th morning, combing my hair.& i saw i was black-er than before.i was tann-er, but evenly tanned(:i want to be fair-er lah, why must i always be tanned?not fair. i want be fair not tanned!then i did my homework:DDDDOh, and i understood maths:DDDhelped my mummy with th housechores:DDi'm a goodgirl:Dohyah, i left with only 2 more.English, Personal Recount. Chinese, Comprehension and Composition.I don't mind doing English[:but i so MIND doing Chinese. Why must Chinese be so hard?A sudden interest to learn YOGA!i want to learn it. looks nice(:can get figure as well as calm.and can be flexible.YOGA, here i comeeeeeeee(:i went to look up on Yoga since i was keen in yea, here's it.Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation, practiced for more than 5,000 years.Yoga is believed to calm the nervous system and balance the body, mind, and spirit.Yoga has been used to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve coordination, flexibility, concentration, sleep, and digestion.Yoga can also be a alternative medicine, treat diseases.It is also Exercise, can improve health and fitness.okay, i'm gna take it up[:imissChanel.imissFiona.imissVarsha.imissKristine.imissJiaxin.imissSuying.imissYunyi(GB)imissJoey.(GB)imissXiaoning.imissGIRLS'BRIGADE girls and madams.imissYesterday.imissME(not tanned).imissyou]:I'm MISSING everyoneeeee!(and i don't know why)Bye, let th miss continue...LOVESY
Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 10:16 PM
GB days
i'm like half-dead.
super tired cann, i'm like aching every part of ME.
Woke up late.
Late for GB Huising, then go together.Reach there, was late for more than half an hour cann.Madam Angeline didn't scold us eh, ,miracle(:She's like th fierce-est madam in GB, if not wrong.then had practice.After that, took th bus provided to th Marina there.Our resting place was at Suntec[:ate lunch, took our umbrella's then out we go for th rehersal.super hot cann, feet like in oven.Sun super strong, i can't even open my eyes lah.then we were all like complain queens...HAHAHA.went back to Suntec. drank, ate, chat, practice how to open umbrella.then Dinner. freaking full can't's a must to eat, so i eat a lil' (:again, i open wattlebottle cut my hand): Full Q run.Marched from Suntec to th parade ground.madam's gave us sweets:DDDWhile waiting for our turn, this army guy bully me]:stand super longgggg, tiredddddd~then open th umbrella, my friend behind me super until can hit my cap.lollmy fringe drop*(In full-U we're not suppose to have fringe.)then continue to standddd.hold th umbrella, my hand super pain cann?use one hand hold only eh, and it's like songs are like long, 3 songs eh.then finally ended(:ran, marched quickly back to Suntec.I'm like SUPER. i never faint eh.i want to be nu qiang ren:DDDDtook a bus to Lavender, sang vesper.then trained home with 2 madams and other company girls{:cam-whore in th train in madam's camera.some in my phoneeeeeee.then walked home.bathed, now blogging.i just found out, Madams are super cute and nice.PICTURES!happytimes.(:GB days.
My eyes, look so small. no fringe):
Shiwei and th Madams. super cute uh? *twisttwist!
Me and other Company girls.*i forget their names.i didn't saw XIAONINGprettysister today)':
bye, and iloveyouuuuu.Vicki is SUPER!i am S.U.P.E.R. &you're so not!iloveGirls'Brigade.made manymany new friends there.we get along well.i starting to miss them alr]:loves'Labels: i love th SUPER me(:
Friday, June 27, 2008 @ 10:11 PM
Jiaxin tagged me to do this quiz:
Instructions ;
1] Do the quiz.
2] Remove one question from the quiz.
3] Replace it with your own question.
4] Tag 9 people to do this quiz.
5] Post this quiz in your blog.
01 ; Who are the most important people in your life?
My Friends and Family.
02 ; What will you die without?
i don't know.
03 ; What will you do if tomorrow is the end of the world?
Say iloveyou to everyone:DD
04 ; Do you believe in Angels or Fairies?
Yea. They're pretty stuffs.
05 ; What did you eat this morning?
06 ; What did you do duing 10 am today?
In school, Recess.
07 ; Who was the last person who laid down on your bed?
08 ; Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Yea. Can i see one?
09 ; What was your last text in your inbox? Who was it from?
Hmm. Agree. Cause we didnt chat alot too. Haha. So Monday we going out! Yay! Hiphiphurray. :DD ;Toh Jiaxin<3
10 ; What was the last movie you caught?
11 ; Who was the last person you talked on the line?
12 ; Do you believe fairytales in real life?
Yea. I live in one.
13 ; Do you have a crush?
14 ; What's your favourite cartoon?
I've got plenty.
15 ; How old are you now?
16 ; Who is your bestfriend{s}?
Varsha.Chanel, many other pretties<3
17 ; Do you have a nickname?
Yea. i've many.
18 ; Are you currently happy?
I don't know. Maybe?
19 ; What are you proud of?
20 ; Define the meaning of friends.
Share secrets. Girls talk. No-need-guy-to-survive.
21 ; Differentiate what is love what is like.
Love is when iloveyou and youloveme. Like is kindof a crush? I don't know.
22 ; Are you bored now?
Sort of.
23 ; Do you prefer strawberry ice-cream or hot coffee with strawberry ice cream?
Strawberry ice-cream.
24 ; Black or white?
25 ; Do you believe that dreams do come true?
26 ; What was the meanest thing you have done?
I dontknow.
27 ; Are you in love?
28 ; What annoys you the most?
Thinking of something i don't know that i'm thinking real hardddd.
29 ; Who annoys you the most?
Me. I'm irratated by thinking of something i don't know what i'm thinking.loll
30 ; Have you ever done crimes?
31 ; What's the colour of your room?
I dont have my own room.
32 ; Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
I don't really hate that much, to kill.
33 ; What is my religion?
34 ; Do you have a life?
Maybe? yea.
35 ; Who was the last person you dreamt?
I don't know.
36 ; Do you walk with your eyes close or open?
Open lah,or else knock here knock there uh?
37 ; Have you ever learnt any musical instrument?
38 ; Does the person you like knows that you like him/her?
39 ; Do you speak other language other than English?
40 ; Do you play games often?
When i'm bored...
41 ; If you have to choose between friends and love, which will you choose?
Friends. I've given up on love already{:
42 ; What are you doing now?
Doing this quiz, text-ing and chatting with Chanel<3
43 ; Which primary school are you from?
Woodlands Ring Primary School!
44 ; Who do you admire most?
I don't know?
45 ; Which month are you born?
January! [:
46 ; Where are you now?
47 ; At which age do you wish to get married?
When i found my prince:DD
48 ; When was your last time you sat on an aeroplane?
2007, November.
49 ; Who are you missing now?
Him. Chanel. Varsha.
50 ; What is your wish?
Every wish to come true(X
Anyone who wants to do(:
@ 6:49 PM
People,i cannot tahan not using, i'm here blogging.i try to ban myself eh..but i still got study(:forgot to purchase that english book i wanted]:Today, went to school as usual.had Height and teacher know i want grow taller eh.i'm like super short.i want TALLTALLTALLLLL!!!super funny, th D&T teacher don't know how to spell Rapunzel.somemore is two teacher's cann.they don't even know th story?!still say what, I very mature one, 10years old read bio fake~Chapel time is like learning other languages:DDDsuper nice.ohh, i love other's always good to learn other countries language(:After school.went home took my stuffs, went over to Varsha's too.took her stuffs.Varsha and i went swimming(:super funn.i was doing some stupid styles?!making me look like a joker?!HAHAHA. Varsha was like totally laughing at bad uh. lollthen we went sauna.bathed, chatchat awhile.then bused home.did not camwhore many people is irratated with something.but is don't know what thing.zzzsuper fan one eh.
okay, i can't forget.
super hard,
i'm sorry?
Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 5:57 PM
Miss me much?
Hello.hah, yesterday i didn't post.not much mood ya.Yesterday, i went running with Varsha and Suying.really run.did cam-whore too[:Today, watch movies with Kristine and Varsha.Penelope, th show name.nicenice.last part, sweets.Sweeties, i won't be blogging so often.don't miss me much yea?haha. lollohyah, i got myself a diary to write my stuffs in uh?i'll be like studying th shit out off me.
study to forget. smart idea yea. i'm gna train too. workout.i want figure.
&i'm gna be a super strong girl.who can cope with physical and emotional feelings.
ohwell, i hope i can be that when i blog th next time(:
Pictures of yesterday.
small side of me[:
Supermann? no it's SUPERgirl. haha
Suying and Varsha(:
holding hands
Vicki and Suying
Varsha: my fringe. Vicki: twisttwist.
small us.
V2=loveTakecare, prettypretty people.loves♥i've decided to blog this openly
i wanted to not let us drift further.
so i text you. but i do miss you
lil' i knew, you would text me that]:
i'm sorry. did anything go wrong?
i tried to forget you, but i can't.
sorry. i'll try agains?
bye, love.
Labels: i don't believe in love anymore.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 6:54 PM
Hello[: sweeties.pretties
i shall post Sunday's , yesterday's and today's. Pictures are at th bottom of th post(:Sunday,Daddy brought us out for breakfast:D
Went to Cousin's house.
nice eh. stuffs.
After lunch went to her room.
played there. cam-whore in her camera.
so not much pictures]:
chat with Chengyan, Chanel and Varsha.
pack bag then chatchatchat.
Yesterday, was th first day of school after th holidays):
not bad lah.
i haven finish all th homework, up to now still haven.
Geography lesson, no teacher:DDD
played th whole lesson.funnnn~
After school, went to macs with Kristine, Varsha, Xiuqi and Suying.
later went to th libaray.
wanted to study ones,
in th end, we played, cam-whored[:
Suying and Varsha went home first.
we continued to shopshop.
then bought bubbletea, they bought donuts.
then bused home with Kristine(:
Today, school was as usual.
th weather super warm cann.
freaking sweat like i just bathed?! LOL
then had photo taking.
After school, went PizzaHub with Varsha and Kristine[:
ate, chat, laugh. girl's talk.
then Suying, Xiuqi and their friend( Xinyi-can't really remember) came to look for us.
they went off alr. we paid th bill.
then went to Popular, bought th PrimaryEnglish book(:
saw Esther, Ashley, Xiao'en, Huihui and Xinyi there.
they also go buy th book.HAHAHA.
then saw Eugene, he go buy present.
Varsha and i helped him choose.prettypretty ones.
then went to Coldstorage.
bought Donuts.yummy!
later, Varsha bought th weird-shaped food kindof thing for her dog.
bused home with Kristine agains.
bathed, slept.
i haven do Chinese, lazy.
still got maths.
♥PICTURES!got prettaye people take with me(: loll
my sister! cute-nessYesterday,

Vicki and Suying.(:

Vicki and Varsha

we're CHR-ians[: , see th logo.

Credits: Eugene. POSE.hahaha
Saturday, June 21, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
Today, i didn't go for th NDP practice.
abitbit not feeling well.woke up, ate lunch.then trained to gram's[:every week go NDP, didn't go visit her.then chatchat. cousins was there:Dplayed with my sister and cousins.funnnn!haha. enjoyed{:then sleep awhile.daddy came, had home.some pictures i found.
out-dated ones. enjoy!(:

Friday, June 20, 2008 @ 7:27 PM
Happy Birthday Kristine!!!i hope you enjoy your day today[:
we hugged.kissed. Sweets yea? went bowling with Kristine, Varsha, Xiuqi and th guys.Gosh, i anyhow wear.uglyyyyythen i no strike]:th guys got strike cann. not fair!then when th guys turn we purposly go play, make their ball go gutter.i go roll th ball:DDD like a small kiddHAHAHA. childish but funn.After that, we go North-point watch Shaolin language is a mixture of chinese, japanese and cantonese or show's nice.we like climb chairs to get out of our seats.lollcause sparks(can't remember his name) he will like put his leg there then we cannot get out.freaking pissed cann.then trained to Sembawang[:went to Kristine's house. her mummy super cute lah:DDhaha, at first we all thought was th maid.Sorry Kristine]:her brother is like freaking cute but super shyyyyyyy.then chit-chat.crap.ate.we're gna have different styles on diff. days of th week(:freaking cool uh.went down bought rubber bands.prettypretty ones{:PINKKKKKK!saw th hellokitty makeup, so cute toy cute too.then trained home.Manage to snap afew pictures!today like no mood cam-whore.Ugly, but just post up lor[: Enjoy!
okay, out-dated pictures.i guess i'll just post up[:told you we wore th guys clothes.okay, i look werid.

i look so

th guys diedie also want be in my ya, snap shot.
th cake, pie and cookies we table cloth is like so dark, make every food blackkkk.
i'm sorry then,
you thought i knew but i DON'T.
like hello, Cy only told me that she and Wl chat at msn not patched up.
i went away for 5 days like as if i went for 1 year cann.
like as if i know that lah.
do i even look like i know? do i look like i will patch up with her before you did?
no, and i won't one okay.
i go out with them does not mean that i will not go out with you mah.
okay, let's stop this arguement. it will last if it never stop.
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 11:42 AM
hello.okay, i guess i should let you go already.
okay, i'm back. you don't like me so there's nothing i can do.
guess i'm not gna post what happen. i shouldn't hold on so long.
lazy-ness. i should have let you go a long time ago
oh, School's starting next week. goodbye, my love
and guess what, i never do any of th assignments. it's hard letting you go, i can't
okay, i'm gna be a goodgirl and do it. i still love you
maybe later.not now.
Chatted with Chanel last night.
Varsha, sorry can't call you.tired.
did not go out with Chengyan today.
i guess today,
i'll rot at home.maybe start with some assignments.
Bye, pretties(:
i will miss you
Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 6:54 PM
I'll not be blogging like th next few days.don't miss me, yea.i know you won't...Varsha, Kristine and Chanel gna miss me.haha.i'll miss them too.and many prettypeople.&i'll miss you, you will? maybe not.Paterlin:i'll go out with you soon! (:Chengyan:As promised. 19/o6/o8 we'll go town-ing[:Chanel:Cheerup yea, don't sad alr.Elaine:i'll chat with you soon.i don't want you sadddd.
To you:
i'll miss you, will you?okay, bye.misses&loves.
HAHAHA. i talk as if this is my last words.
funny uh?...*laughs*
@ 6:33 PM
Okay, Varsha and i were like discussing on why people love online we sort of like talk it out.yea so, here's it[:when we were on our way to AMKhub...okay, online games are like level and th it that funnnn?Maple is like Killing and pressing th keybord.Becoming what you want to be.killkillkill. sins~Audition is like Dancedancedance, level level.couple.still pressing th keyboard.clickclick.very funn meh?i don't think so like where th FUN comes up lah.people is like ignoring you when they gets addicted to it.when they are like just pressing th keyboard and trying to get to th next level or something.when they can't, they'll be like fedup.then sit in front of th computer/laptop for hourshours.waste of timelike just clicking/pressing a few buttons, using hours just for level up?!when you can go out and have funnnn...lolli'm not like saying this because i dislike maple or something,but it's th truth.don't you think so?okay, you people may think about it.bye, pretty people.
you may think that i'm heckcare lah(:but yea, i'm not.
@ 11:05 AM

I'll post pictures next time okay.
i'm like lazy now.
there are like 30-40 pictures.
many uh...
Okay, today Varsha and i went to meet Pee.
ate Cheesecake agains.
AMKhub cheesecake is freaking nice.
in love~
haha.he freaking took like 50minutes to come cann.
then catch a movie.KungFu Panda.
Th movie is freaking funny and cute.
th whole theater was full with laughters.loll
then ate this baked potato, nicenice.
i feed Varsha, like some kid.
"ahh, open your mouth"*pops in th food*
trained home with Varsha.
on th way home, i saw Amalina<3333
miss her lah.she was having ice-creammm.
i'm like craving for one now...
People, sorry.
i'm too lazy to click th upload button to upload pictures.
guess my LAZY habit is back.
ohwell, i promise next post or later.
Lots of them.
wait till then(: