Sunday, May 11, 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Happy Mother's Day!
look, there's my mummy.
th last picture have my sister in it.
all smiles(:
My cousin, Jingwen and me[:
&me just me(:
went out today, with cousins and aunties.
it's been so long since i last met them.
can't remember when...
went to grandma's.
my small lil' cousins are like so cute.
arghhh,, i forgot to take a photo of them.
wasted* ):
maybe i took too much time playing with them.HAHAHA
went to karaok with Chanel, Fiona and Enrico.
me and Fiona got pranked by Chanel and Enrico.
they selected th malay songs for us to sing,
oh well, who cares.
&we just sang.
something like maju,maju,maju and lagi,lagi,lagi.
th thing is we don't understand th meaning of it and we sang.
then shopped for Mother's day present.
oh, i bought a fakeflower with a cute lil' bear in it.
imagine, isn't it so cute.
okay, pictures.
Chanel and me(:
oh, ever since i have my phone.
i've been having so many pictures in my blog.
isn't it nicer?HAHAHA
enjoy those pictures:D