Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 11:30 PM

okay, freaking tired.
Th Challenge was lame.
using th GPS thingy-to find our way.
we got to like walk from Upper Sergangoon to Serangoon and to Hougang.
th Primaryschool kids were cute.
After th Challenge, went to Chanel's house.
then went home(:
bathed, then slept.
i was freaking tired lah...
Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Again, Paterlin and me never go townn):she overslept this time, i forgot to morning call her.
i went to Causewaypoint find Jiaying and Kiawei.
Called Paterlin along.
ate lunch at Long John's Sliver.
Cam-whore in there too.
Vicki & Jiaying<3

oh, i feed her(:

&we shared:D

andd they shared...


Thursday, May 29, 2008 @ 8:40 PM
Okay, went to meet Varsha.
i was late i guess...*opps
i saw her there.
then walkwalk at Causewaypoint.
ran to th Stadium...
we ran like 1round?!
then sit-ups.
then catch th 2.4opm movieee.
Made-Of-Honor, finally can watch already(:
bought th ticket and th popcorn plus drinks then went in.
Freaking cold cann.
After th movie, i was like running around Causewaypoint.
super paiseh lah...
then we walked to our school, a sudden miss.
walk till rain.
we walked like for 2hours.
then went to Vistapoint bought waffles then walked home.
Varsha bused home...
Bathed then dinner,
now blogging[:
Oh it's VICKI's PICTURES!it's ugly, but i don't care.enjoy though(:

Vicki jump,jump...JUMP!
sorry, really i am.
please don't be sad.
i don't want you to):
i rather be th one getting sad.
be happy and smile okay?
@ 11:02 AM
Goodmorning people!
i'm like tossing and turning th whole night...
luckily, i've no dark rings[x
i'm super hungry, i've not taken my breakfast.
ohyah, later i'll be going to th stadium to run with Varsha:DD
i think i need to go on a diet.i'm like growing fatter and fatter):all th food fault, my loss of exercise.Nevermind,this holiday, i'm going to like exercise everyday.Vicki JIAYOU!!!i need to like slim down by th end of this year,2oo8.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @ 9:47 PM
HELLO:DActually wanted to go out with Paterlin one.
but overslept.*opps
postpone to Friday(:
Oh, i'm watching Fan Gun Ba! Dan Chao Fan(Rolling Love)
it's nice.
i've like a sudden urge to eat egg fried rice:D
maybe it's because of th show?lol
chatting with Varsha now[x
i need a job, i'm like broke):
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 9:22 PM
iloveCAM-WHORE♥a change in clothes means different days(:guess you know it[x

hate that i'm tanned):

i went swimming(:


Pizzahut.oh, me and Paterlin ate exactly th same.

th Pooh are me and Jiaying, Piglet is Paterlin, Tiger is Kiawei, Eeyor is Ruiqi.
we were like playing in KiddyPalace:D

Jiaying! oh, we are Pooh lovers♥

i'm waiting for your call, hope you don't call so late.
i'm like missing you now and then.
@ 7:59 PM
HELLO.went to school today.
Actually wanted to take breakfast with Paterlin one,
then i overslept.
slept like 3am lah.
super sleepy.
she called me(not as
siao as Varsha)
chiong bath, tie hair, change then go meet her.
then went for maths remedial(not late)
oh, haven finish th worksheet then got to bring home.
i still haven do finish eh.loll
not many people went.
After remedial, bused to Causewaypoint with Paterlin.
ate at Pizzahut.
then walk around.super boring cann
saw Kiawei they all.
then accompany them walk.
then bused home with Kiawei and Ruiqi.
bathed then went out with Chanel.
i slept while waiting for Chanel eh.overslept agains
got like 23 missed calls.3messages
Called Chanel then went out.
moodless, so did not go to Northpoint.
ate MacDonalds at Admiralty.
then this scary thingy flew onto Chanel's back.
i was like arghhh, then flew till my hand.
and we both jumped out off our chairs.
super paiseh cann
everyone turned and look at us.
walkwalk then bought 1hellotkitty pencil lead and 2hellokitty pens.
we were like broke after that.
we both like never bring money outttt
then walked home with Chanel.
Paterlin and Chanel are irritated my SINGLISH.
i don't like speak singlish, you know.
is just that, i wanted to irritate them.
okay, i did it(:
LAME. but FUN.
crapping again. why am i always crapping?
Monday, May 26, 2008 @ 8:25 PM
went out with family.
in th afternoon went to swimming.
played with cousins.
Ohshit, i haven took their pictures):
Arghhhhhh, wasted.
went out with Varsha and Ben.
early in th morning, Varsha woke me up.
she called like freaking many times can.
woke up, bathed and changed then go meet her.
i was early lah.
plain waited for 15minutes plus(i think was more then that)
went to find Varsha at boots and shoes.
then went to Causewaypoint wait for Ben there.
i'm th earliest there eh(:
okay, then trained to Jurong.
went to ice-skate.
first-timer, me and Varsha.
we were like i don't know how to skate.
Ben teach us(: Thankyou!
then Varsha nad Ben were like playing catching round me.
like ditzyditzy one.
i almost fell afew times.
then lucky, i never fall:D
then Pee joined us.
he thought we at Snowcity eh.
super funny lah, waited for us for twohours.
then went to th movies.
watched Congkak. super scary can.
i was like taking th jacket to cover me.
then last part was funny.laughlaugh.
then went to th library
then trained home(:
bathed and dinner.
pictures i upload tommorrow[x
Saturday, May 24, 2008 @ 11:15 PM
I went to GB as usual.
got training for NDP.
freaking tired can.
but better lah, not that tough as before.
got to like open th umbrella when th national song is sang.
HAHAHA.funny eh.
we train like th whole day?!
Ohyah, i've made new friends.
they're like super fun.
when resting we were like playing th ouch-ohbei ohbei.
and, i'm like sunburn.
i think i turn darker):
i don't want lah.
diedie also must turn whiter.
i don't like me tanned.LOLLLL
okay, then come back super tired still must go dinner.
then bathed.
nights people<3
Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 10:30 PM
People, i hereby announce i hate bitches.hello BITCH and bye BITCH(:
&please, don't wear a mask.(you don't need to)
just say it, no need like tell here and there.
i know what you did, but you don't know(:
oh well, i'm pleased to inform you that you're in my dictionary of bitches.
okay, went to AMKhub with Varsha, Ben, Pee and (i don't know who)
then we were all like crazy and high, LAME-ing?!
we ran out of a damn boring movie where all th laoahpek and laoahmah is.
freaking boring, we were like throwing popcorns at each other.
Their fault, they don't let me watch th show i wanted):
we were all chased by th security guards.
too noisy, i guess?HAHAHA
sorry yea, i got to like go.then went back to Causewaypoint meet Qiyuan.
he sent me home(:
okay, then went out with family took dinner.
bathed, then now blogging?
yea, so i'm still sick.but feeling better.
&we met today,i'm like you know, HAPPY.haha.i guess, we won't drift away that far now.i hope(:yea, imissyoui shall not upload pictures today,
Elaine, sorry.that day really can't go find you.very tired already.somemore i was sickkkkkkkk.don't let that eh...
Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 8:44 PM

Okay, i'll not post long today.
i'm having a bad headache now.
oh, i'm sick.
&like next week is th school holidays?!
it's UNFAIR!
feel freaking tired, sleepy.
okay, for some pictures.

okay, bye people.
pictures not all i take one.
Credits: Shengdong and Eugene.
i don't want you to not talk to me.
i miss you.
th talks we talk.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 9:32 PM
Today, school was as usual.
i went to school with a 'i don't want to go school mood'
School was super bored can.
th heat's killing me.can die lah...
oh, MrKoh say i'm sweet.HAHAHAHA
then sleep in class.
Eugene and Shengdong come disturb me up.
zzz. super tired
they're such bullies.LOLL
then started chatting, Varsha joined in too
Awhile later, Paterlin and Chengyan join in.
then was recess.
After recess, chatted with Amira, Varsha and Eugene.
Eugene Jiayou!(for some reasons)
After school, walked with Eugene, Shengdong, Weixun ,Winda and Andrei to Causewaypoint.
then Jingquan joined in.
ate lunch.
then train-d home with Shengdong(:
bathed then slept.
i super zhu eh, sleepsleepsleep.
took dinner, now blogging.
i've random pictures but abit not nice.
so not posting...HAHAHAHA
nevermind, all is Shengdong took one.
people, nights.
a sudden miss, do you too?
I've got a sudden urge to learn to ICE-SKATE:DDDDDD
i wanna learn dance too! (like Latin or hiphop, ANYTHING aslong it's dance)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 @ 8:38 PM

Okay, shall start blogging.
SHIT. my arm hurts.whatthehell...
school was as usual.
After school, went to catch a movieeeee.
okay, kindof nice(:
watched with Chanel, Chengyan and Eugene.
ohyah, th movie tittle is, Drillbit Taylor.
it's like bullying in school.bodyguards.and bully get caught in th end.
oh, how i love movies with happyending:DDDD
was super hilarious can.
a girl beside Eugene was like laughing so loudy.
&so we were all like HAHAHAAHAHHAHA.
not really watching th movie, spend more time laughing at her.lolllll
then walk home with Chanel(:
chatted on th way homeeeee...
bathed then ate dinner.
now blogging...
OH, my brother and sister are cute uh.
Monday, May 19, 2008 @ 10:02 PM
Hello.okay, i shall post today's pictures tomorrow.
i haven upload yet...
Oh, i went out with my family today(:
&daddy's leg better:DD
went to ToaPayoh.
ate then went to my cousin's new house.
you know is like 32storey high.
oh, th cupboard is super pretty.
there's this mirror you can push in and eh.
then my sister and my brother cam-whore with me[:
super funny,, you can see it tomorrow.
After that, i went to Chanel's house to get my surprise.
wahh,, what a surprise!
A RAINBOWW.she drew that for me(:
then i drew one too:DDD
super paiseh one.
like her whole family plus her grams, uncles, aunts and her cousins were there can.
i was like hello then went into her room.
then in her room got her cousins-th younger ones.
they're like so cute...CUTE-ness
Chanel said i had to hello her family then can walk around th house freely.
so i did that.
super duper embarrassed lah.
they were like hello-ing back.
then they all went home.
stayed for about 15minutes later then went home(:
bathed then now blogging(:
i'll post pictures tmr, promise[x&i'm in LOVE with Rainbows♥i'm officially missing you.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 5:10 PM
Oh, it's Vicki's Pictures:DDDDD
Th day, we went to ScienceCentre. Me, Paterlin and Chengyan
Me and Varsha(:
Xinhui and me[:
Me, Varsha, Amira and Paterlin[x
Me and Paterlin<3Vicki:DDDRANDOM-ness
Oh, i guess you people know that different clothes means different days(:
so that's it people.