Monday, April 28, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
HELLO.did you miss me?oh, i did not blog two days already?!time really pass fast.*zoom*it's like so fast right?& my Literature and Maths paper1 is like 2 days away.that means, i need to brush up on my Literature.i so don't want to fail again ]:so i got to work really hard.i left like 4 chapters to read for Literature.& Maths, i did nothing - not even opening my book.oh ya, i just remembered, i have not finish my revision papers.i promised myself to do it but i have not.i shall read th whole of my literature today.oooooh, i such a good girl.okay, back to blogging of what happened today.Actually, nothing really much's th same as every other day.pinic in class. hyper. running. laughter.Oh people please take note, i will be using proper english till th end of's a game that MissClaudia challenged us.isn't is fun?okay, it doesn't sound fun but th truth, it what she said earlier in th morning,"you write what you speak"so everyone, speak good's gooooooooood:Dokay, so after school.i went to Chanel usual, i slept there.i don't know why but her house is really nice to same thing occured, we pranked call.ohmygod, is like so funny.a guy actually believed that i'm his secret admire.please, i've better taste.okay?laughoutloud.then we took!After that, i went home.i still have no phone.& th pictures that we took are in Chanel's phone,she don't want to sent it to me.she's like waiting for a call.Will upload th pictures soon, okay?wait till then:DD
Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 11:40 PM
HELLO. here are some sister, cute uh. cute-ness!
Random pictures of me:DDDDDD
Promised to blog.
so here i am now blogging.
Yesterday, had English paper.
it was so hard.i'm like writing rubbish for my paper1-composition.
Paper2 was abit easy-just abitbit.still hard.
Today, had Chinese paper.
more difficult. i had to like check almost every word how to write in my dictionary.
still write rubbish.Paper1 was hardddddd.
Paper2 was after recess.
then that Dunquan lost his pencilbox-made a big fuss abou it.
Later, someone found his pencilbox in th dustbin.
no one wants to admit for that childish act, so th exam was delayed.
i'm like how to this and how to do that.
i've to admit that my chinese's bad.
&i know it.
i was like daydreaming, making my hair.
then i saw Varsha was like 'fcuk' how to do.
okay, so it ended. it's harddddd.
After th exam still must stay back just for th case of th missing pencilbox.
stay back to find who was th stupid can
again, we are th last class of th whole sec 2 level to go.
whatthhell.cause of one pencilbox.
then Eileen, JiaXin, Rachelle. Priscilla & me bus-d to causewaypoint.
i saw SingLing & Cheryl - imissthem so much.
they're PRETTYPRETTY.told you i've many pretty friends:D
ate at
then pei JiaXin wait for her mummy - i wanted to see how she look like.
saw, then bus-d home.
went out with Family to have dinner.
oh, i bought long since i last drank it.
&chocolates - my favourite.i'm a Chocolatelover [:
and some other groceries. then went home.
i don't know why, but i'm not tired.
lazy to blog.hees
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ 6:05 PM
& it's VICKI's PICTURES!enjoy [:it's small, i know.i too ugly to let you see my face lah.
Actually last night i wanted to study but in th end took my sister's phone...
oooooh, exams are like on Thursday & i'm not studying.
no way mannnnnnn.
i'm gonna study.
okay, this is like th how many post i said i want to study.
nevermindddd, i'm reallyyyyyy going to do that now.
i'm such a goodgirl.
i so sweet uh,
i kissed Elaine, JiaXin & Paterlin.
oooooh,, so sweet uh.*awwwwww*
don't envy us yea.haha bought Elaine's & Rhys's Present alr.hope they like it:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Monday, April 21, 2008 @ 6:46 PM
i think i cannot like not use th computer,, will here i am blogging.haha2o.o4.o8, Rhys's birthday.21.o4.o8, Elaine's Birthday.CUTEdarlinggggs HAPPYBIRTHDAY!!!Hello.oh, i hate you.where got people like criticise on peeps th appearance one.people only criticise on th characteristics what.then you this asshole anyhow criticise on like what th hell?!where got people like this bastard.arghhhhhh.okay, stop th complaining...&start th story.So after school, went to find Qiyuan for my Pocky.Thankyou!hahathen bus-d to causewaypoint.saw Rachelle, JiaXin, Regina, Elaine, Jade and Marcus.ate MacDonalds with Paterlin, Rachelle and JiaXin.went to disturb Regina, Elaine and Jade. Marcus went off early.waited for Paterlin, Rachelle and JiaXin to finish their food.i was too full, went Breakfast with Catherine at Mac's.oh, i think i' m growing fattttttt.keep eating fastfood.then went to Bata pei Paterlin buy her school shoes.oh &we're gonna get manymany things th same.*secret*walk to th Libaray study.okay, th truth.we like spend most of our time saw Kristine, XiuQi and SuYing there.(oooooh, we're fated)pop by th toilet before we go seperate ways.we went there to ZILIAN.zilian-queens=US!lol.hahathen bus-d blogging.ohwell, i think i've to study.reallyooooooooooooooh, i can't study with an empty stomach.Daddy's not back yet.HUNGRY!okay, studying soon.JiaXin & Rachelle, faster send me th pictures:DDPeeps, wait for my pictures?i know you will, & it'll be sooooon [:
Sunday, April 20, 2008 @ 3:15 PM
HELLO. PrettyBABES&HandsomeHUNKSthis should be my last post.i gonna study for mid-year exams.REALLY! i'm a good girl, don't miss me.hahai know you won't.But i will.hahaEveryone having mid-year,JIAYOUS!KAMPATEH everyone!!!okay, i shall post till post, don'tknow when.wait till then?
Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 7:14 PM
Th day before yesterday, 16.o4.o8. SingLingAIAI's birthday.
Yesterday, 17.o4.o8. Ashley's birthday.
Today, 18.o4.o8. JiaXinCUTESTUFF's birthday.
After school, went to celebrate JiaXin's birthday.
She cut th cake then Paterlin & me came.
MissAng lor.her fault.
make us stay back do zuowen.
Nevermind, then ate cake.
haha.we put th crea on each other's face.
FUN lah.
saw Elaine & Regina.
they look-d so sad.
Don't sad please. Cheer Up yea.
then bus-d to Causewaypoint.
Went to MacDonalds with RuiQi & Paterlin.
JiaXin & Rachelle went to Swensens meet Eileen.
You won't guess what i had.haha
i had...
did you guess right?
No right.don't cheat me, okay.
then too tired.
Cannot meet them ler.
so went home with RuiQi.
Oh, i daddy's calling me.
i'm going out soon.byebye
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 @ 9:26 PM

oh, a picture i owe.haha

So peeps, that all.
i didn't want all my pictures upload so all these should be enough.
wait till i get my phone.
i can like cam-whore
more pictures upload next time?
@ 8:10 PM
Today in class like pinic.i brought cereal, chocolate, sweets & energy bar to school.ate in yummy uh.After school went to Chanel house with Catherine.i went there to sleep?!haha.was uber tired.then woke up. zilian with Chanel's phone(i want that pictures, Chanel)haha. re-tie my hair.then prank called peeps.(many never answered)okay, it's fun:DDCatherine was talking on th phone.then Chanel made me went home.Next post i'll post pictures:D
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 7:37 PM
i ate breakfast at Science class today.YUMMY!After maths remedial.Ashley, Xiao'en, Lina, Varsha and i did something really cool.wooo,, it's a secret!*cant share*Later we went to 2/1 to 2/6 and put th duster at th speaker top or th projector.hahaso fun can.heesThen we bus-d to Causewaypoint.& i bought th pretty earings i wanted:Dso match eh.Ooooh, i think i'm falling i love with blue & blingbling stuffs.all those earing i bought all blue and it's nice uh.just imagine.After that, we bought buns and bubbletea then walk to th we half way stomach pain.i think we ate too much.(Chengyan, Xiao'en & me)but run two rounds then rain.Xiao'en said th rain SMALL then it poured bigger.said SMALL again & it rained bigger.bigbigLina & me then run from th shelter to th track again and again.Varsha and Chengyan ran fun...but Varsha, Lina and me wearing school uniform so is translucent.haha.rain bigbig then we never play ler.Ashley and Xiao'en look so sad liddat.then everyone except me bought Cup noodles.i drank Hotmilo as i was full & wanted to warmup.lolJust as we were going home, th uncle asked us whether we wanted JOB.of cause we want lah.then we chatted with th uncle and we crap.she can read face eh, so cool.they're so nice people.She teach us stuffs.*secretsecretsecret*then th rain smaller liao.we seperated.Train-d home with Lina.shes PRETTAYE.oh i think i have prettaye friends.i'm so lucky.woooo~don't envy......haha
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 6:48 PM
Hello people,i think i'm selfish today.i didn't share my chocolates.1 reason...i'm a chocolate lover.i feel so bad lah.for not sharing?! okay, i'm werid.sorry people.when i rich-er i buy give you all:Dokay, lessons were as usual today.IT, we did on science textbook chapter 6.yah,'ve got it uh?haha. Paterlin's my partner's PRETTY!back to story, th IT teacher(MrLee) he don't want teach us how make th blanket over th boy and girl.he ask us to drawing is nice one.chio you know.hahaMrsAng is an uber nice teacher.she said if our whole class pass she treat us to some high class Restaurant-Kristine suggest one.and 1 person is like 90bucks-Kristine said not me:xshe don't mind eh.*cheers for MrsAng*ohyah, she also want treat us to Ferror Rocher only if th whole class pass hard now.or you'll regret.lolbut true what.see i'm so nice to tell you to study.*claps*It's been like ages since ChengYan and me go out together.*misses ]`:so After school, Chengyan and me walk to Vistapoint.we ate th BimBiBa(a Korean food). we shared.sweet right? don't envy.hahaoooh, th name sounds ewwww uh, but tell you th truth.It's YUMMY!then we bus-d to Causewaypoint.went to Power9 then bought this really pretty's's shiny one.dark blue(th nicest colour there)ooooooooh, &th lady says it suits me:DDi only buy one side D:so sadden-fied lah.i want buy another tommorrow [:&a lil' stud to match it.woooo~ it's going to be pretty.hahabought bus-d home.heesbath then chatted with ChengYan.not long ago just hang only.hahaOh, i going to study.reallyfor tmr's Maths re-test.i think maybe i'll revise Science.i want pass, &it's a must:DDDo my homework too.okay, shall stop here for's a bit crappy.heesI WANT STUDY! &pass my MYE-all passesgoodbye people[:pictures shall post next time.Fiona still owe me...
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @ 2:37 PM
Oh so PICTURES!so here are some of th pictures i owe.haha.RANDOM pictures.

thats all people.will upload more:Dwait till then.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 @ 9:02 PM
I want those pictures from Fiona and Paterlin.
then i can have pictures in my picture-less blog.loll?
i lazy blog yesterday, will post th pictures soon:D
went for normal GB parade.
Stage 1 drill not fun.
Stage 2 look FUNNNNN.
i want pass stage 1 drill then fastfast go stage 2.okay.then went for th prize-award ceremony.It was like super BORED.can sleep lah.we got bronze award for our company.i want gold.Gold looks more chio-er can.i heard th girls cheering like sa ji-kill chickens let funny.people wooooo.they ahhhhhhhhhhhh.then clear up.MdmLai treat us 50bucks, cool uh.shes nice.thankyou:Dthen ate at KFC.what th hell.Chanel told th girls about my ugly face.lollllllli'm like so nice, i never speak out a word of irratating like she keep saying from this then link that.then so on and on.heng, i go out of KFC ler.or i go CRAZY?! hahahahahahahahahai train-d.then walked home with KiaWei.HOT NEWS!KiaWei is HOT CHICK.she have hot bod.lollllllllllllllllllllllllljust crapping around.hees.
Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 9:31 PM
Let me say something before i blog.AshleyHoWanQian is super or should i say uber CHIO.she's super duper PRETTAYE.Before school went to Chanel house.ate Sandwitch.super YUMMY!thankyou.School's as usual.classes today were like picnic?!Some of th people brought chocolates & sweets.(i'm one of them)i've a sweet tooth [:then school's over but have history test.ohwell, i'm like super prepared to fail.i did not read/study.then finally school's over.i'm like complaining bout my headache to Kristine all th lessons- since, afer recess.sorry.but thankyou for being my listening ear.hees.Walk to Vistapoint with Catherine and Melody-they're chio peepsate eggtart and waffle with milo iceblend.milo iceblend was ewwww, disgusting chiong home.going late for date with Ashley.opps*bath.change.make my hair.then walked to Admiralty train-d to Woodlands.then go Breadtalk meet her.can't find her?!she also.we go different place.lolllllllthen train-d to Orchard.on th way there we saw funny kinds of people.we imitate them-so fun can.then went to Wisma Atria and Takashimaya-hope i spell to Topshop.Ashley bought a hoodie with stars and a green tank top.I bought a grey tank top.then went blogging [:i feel so sick can.Flu and cough.want die tired ]`:i think i'll just give up on you.we're not meant for each other anyway ]:Oh, people i've got a question to ask you people.hees.There are 3 women eating ice-cream.1 licking, 1 sucking and 1 biting.Which of th 3 woman is married?answer th question in tag, will tell you th answer next post or next time.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 @ 8:28 PM
Today, went to school as usual.Eugene korkors buy chocolates for me-not left0vers.hes so nice lahs. Thankyouu korkors!!!i shared with people in my class.*claps*woooooo~you must be thinking, Vicki's so nice uh.hees.& i know i am.i understand-d maths.*claps*think i smarter now.lollllHad chinese oral.And you know what, i know nothing.i keep going like"erm" , "then hor" , "than deng yi xia"no confidence lahs. I'm bad in chinese(i know)After school, played swing with Paterlin and RuiQi.IT'S UBER FUN!-we played like we went back to one part Paterlin push till i want fall.SCARYYYYY~Then walked to Admiralty bought HipHop Jelly-it's ice-cream(in case you don't know)saw Primary school mates, Sharfifah and Syaza.i can still remember their names.hahs.Chatted awhile then walked mood like keep swinging school hyper.after school changed not so hyper.alone emooooooooo.wth.okay-laming.but that's th truth.i don't feel like knowing how you are more i want to know th more sad i become.i hope you don't flirt.really.i know you don't like me.but i sortof got that feeling for hard to let go.why is it like that?i really want to let you go.i've tried but i can't.i'll try agains.till i can forget you.till then, we'll still be friends?i guess we could be friends even though we're not lovers.oh,, she still haven give me those up soon.promise?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 @ 7:52 PM
i feel so werid.
i don't know why.
maybe is that asshole's fault.
make me no appetite.
so went to
ate macflury.milo flavour agains.
and you know what,, i was too chilled.
so cold.hands freezing.*
okay, maybe is
HIS fault too.
just talked about him today again.
say more, more moodless.
so i guess is
HIS fault.
finger points* it's your not mine:D
make me so moodless ]:
i'm not as hyper as every other day. Sorry peoplei'm like just faking today high abit ta guo gua zhang-too freaking lahs...arghhhhhhsi want to be real high.tommorrow i will be REAL highigh.hyper is th real me(i guess)Emo so tong ku-hard.sadden-fied]`:Everyone tmr must highhigh.oooooh,, i'm like so mood means other people fault.not mine.hees xPmaybe some is mine lah, not all other people ones.see i admited = i'm honest(trueful to myself)lolllllllllllllllllI've decided to bury myself in books to try and forget you.that's th best way, i guess?Anyway, it's not a bad thing uh.& somemore i can past my time plus PASS MY EXAMS!!!i think i'm smarter now.i can plannnnnnnnnn.*claps*woooooooooooooooooooo~okay, thats lame-ing.but thats me what. how to change?hmmm....i don't i'll just be ME[:okay lah, people you've have enough of my back to topic.but, oh welli'm lazy so not blogging bout today.sorry peeps.i want study a goodgirl(i am always one:D)Exams, here i come. muahahahahahahaahahahahaTHANKS for reading my complains.ohyahs, i still owe you people pictures.she haven send me.sorrywait then.hahs
Monday, April 7, 2008 @ 7:15 PM
Today,school as usual.i'm kindof lazy to blog nowadays.blahblahblahs...then after school went to Vistapoint with Catherine, Chanel and walked to Fiona's house.Actually wanted to go to th woodlands regional library ones, but in th end never.we're lazy lahs...heesthen just realised her house is like so near to mine ehs.lollsi'm like hyper on Chocolates or Icemilo-okay, milo dinosaur too:Dis like so yummy lahs.i'm weird, i guess.hahas.ohyahs, then you know first thing we even do was, "give me water" and "got chocolates"okay, is like so no manners.but i guess she don't mind.woots~ shes so nice lahs.we finish th whole box of ferror rochor can.later Yangken went to find Fiona.they're uber sweet lovey dovey.*love's in th air*they's such a cute couple.then Catherine, Chanel and me went home.then now i'm blogging:Dsee i'm so nice(:i lazy blog sunday ehs.pswoo,, thr's no homework today.arghh,, i forgot do zuowen so got homework]:i shall be a goodgirl.i'm gonna study.weets!
will post th pictures soon[:
Fiona send th pictures quickqiuck.*used her phone to take pictures.
still no phone...waiting
Saturday, April 5, 2008 @ 10:20 PM
Today,i woke up at 5plus then sleep back to 7 can.was like almost late for breakfast with Cath and Chanel.then chiongggggggggggggwent to her house meet her and Catherine.i was earlier then her:Dthen went to Vistapoint eat breakfast.Chanel ate MeesiamMe and Catherine ate Rotiprata.yummy!then walked to school together.Then GB.i want do row-call lahs.lolls.After GB,went to Vistapoint.bought milktea iceblended.nicenice(:chiong home.cause meeting Chanel ltr at her hse like 1pm.and th time is like 12plus alr.ohmyfreaking.went home bath.changed.then chiong to her sweatyyyy*ewwwwwthen saw her and Catherine making-up.Catherine makeup alr, is like uber chio's trueeeeeeeChanel too.her mother then send us to Suntec-th service is service is like okay...but th atmosphere thr is like so highhhh.HYPER~After service, bought icecream and eggtarts.super nice canthen auntie sent me to th nearest MRT station.thankyouu!then train-d to Chinatown-meet mummy.then dinner and home.i'm like so tired now.but i'm so nice to bloggggggg.lollssleepy...GOODNIGHT people[:
Friday, April 4, 2008 @ 9:01 PM
Today,school's as usual.ran's like so slow canAfter school, went to Vistapoint to eat dapao.then went to Chanel house's like i go to her house like almost everyday.watched to dk what's like so freaking sad can.& i cried ]`;can't believe that i even cried.lollsi'm emotional...lmaoooooeat nepolitan ice-cream,yummy!eat till can whole tube caneat till so full.then went to her room to gossip.girl's talk.blahblahblahs,,then playplayplay...went home after that.walk Catherine to th bus-stop.then walked home(:i'm so nice.okay bhb.i'm chatting to Catherine and Chanel.they're so cute.funfun(:i can't believe hes like flirting with my friend.what th fk can.hes such a jerk.i hate him.he so ewwwwwwww.only know how to flirtflirtflirt!arghhhhhhhh.i now know your true fake .can't believe i actually even like-d you.i've such bad taste ] freaking.
Thursday, April 3, 2008 @ 7:55 PM
Chanel's so sad todays.cause of that freaking can.Today nth much happen.Its like totally th thr's like so nth to talk bout.boring~ohyahs, after school.went to school's library while waiting for Chanel.Catherine and me read bout diet mag is like 2oo6 and now is like school's like so not updated.lollsthen smth stuffs in th mag refer's to some uber funny can!we're like super hyper hungrythen th ZhanWei-cell grp leader so bad can.go chicken out at th last minute.he promised to buy for us LongJohn's plus cheese, Nachos and Ben and Jerry ice-creamhe lier.cheat our feelings can.then we went to Chanel's sleepy slept thr.then her mummy cook for us.Thankyouu auntie(:YUMMY!!!then went to Vistapoint th cheers buy ice-cream-nepolitannice okays.went back to eateateat.playplayplay.use th com.then Catherine bus-d home while i walk home(:i made this conclusion...Chocolate = HYPERso people eat chocolates [:(its recommended:D)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 @ 6:26 PM
Today, Varsha got must read th Reader's Digest.i was like half tired can.somemore th words are like small small one.who read also will tired ones.then was Science, learnt a new chapter.arghhh,, next week got science test.Recess, went with Jiaying, Prisilla, RuiQi, KiaWei and malay store rice is so ewwwwww.When going back to class, MissClaudia go check our socks.lollseveryone pulled up lorhhs.*we're guai peeps*Later was class was at first kindof boring.then turn to answer i was like 'huh'.then answer correctly.Thankyou Kristine!then th cher(MissRam or smth like that) called Varsha to answer.Th cher called me again, 'th girl who is doing th swimming action please answer.' i was like, i'm not doing th swimming action i'm like telling Varsha smth using hand signal.then i answer correctly.Thankyou(forgot who isit)hees, i'm smart.Maths.i was like sleeping then MrsAng said'Vicki don't sleep help me give out th paper.'i am like so blurblur lahs.Chinese, MissAng(wenglaoshi) freaking ask us to copy th textbook(not th whole thing) for xizi.then School endddddd!
waited for Varsha in Class.
Bus-d to causewaypoint.actually want walk then saw th bus and somemore is like no people can.
Went to MacDonalds, again for that milo macflury.
she drank chocolate milkshake.
Walk to MacDonalds th Civic's one.
did our homework thr.
Varsha was like telling me bout Caleb.blahblahblahs.
then i saw him.we were like totally shocked can
he came to say hi then went to idk whr.
then Jerome came, with his friends(ps:i dk what their name)
He also haven do th Literature waited for Caleb to be back then teach Varsha and i how to do.He's smart fast can worksheet is like freaking hard.lollshe speak so fast make th atmosphere like so tense.SCARYYYYYYYY~~Then he teach finish liaos then we go home...Caleb thankyou for teaching(:Arghhhh,, i want go do homework lerhs.maybe go study for tmr's maths test(:Labels: i'm happy even without you(:
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @ 6:44 PM
Just came back from Chanel house.
Todays, Varsha nvr come nvr instead i talk to JiaYing.we were like chatting what to buy from blogshops and whr to shop next cool uhs.lollsThen is Science know what, Me, Kristine, XiuQi, SuYing, HuiSing, Ashley and Najah were like totally eating SUGAR! Its nice, okays.Try it(:MissLim is like so cock-eyed we are like just infront of her then she nvr saw. After Science was Maths...we learnt a new chapter as MrsAng promised yesterday [:RECESS!!!i went with Catherine and Chanel.Paterlin went with Jiaying they all.We shared a plate of chicken chop and a bowl of soup.nice!then was FTC.blahblahs...Home-Econs, got test and i planned to flunk it.i really don't know how to do.I MUST REALLY WORK DOUBLE HARD FOR MID-YEAR!i don't want fail any of my subjects, please.after th test we did hard can~ ShengDong help me iron ehs.hes so nice.THANKYOU!went back to class for maths was fun though.Actually got bible study ones.but ZhanWei say he nvr do his homework and nvr bring th materials.lollswent to vista eat lunch and me and Catherine went to Chanel house.we were like talking*secret*we want that to happen so we were like planning.then Chanel angry with us.I'm sorry]`:walked with Catherine to th Bus-stop.then walk home myself.just chatted with Varsha [:i want eat.I'M HUNGRY!Daddy and mummy not back yet.i'm soon forgtting you:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFinally, i can let you're like enjoying so am i now.goodbye then(:i'm happy even without you.♥Labels: i'm happy even without you(: