Monday, March 31, 2008 @ 6:12 PM
Flag-raising as usual, me and Varsha national anthem, school song and take's like you cant even hear peeps singing only th music.lollsthen maths.cover th whole topic.tmr teach new one...i nvr do homework,as usual i copy(saves time and you'll get it right)lollsThen english, got test.bout comprehension(like how much we've learnt)Recess! went to find JiaYing, Prissilla, KiaWei and RuiQi.Paterlin and i shared a plate of chicken rice.yummy,, but salty.IT then Art.Geography, only do corrections.PastoralCare lesson, MissClaudia came in.ask us fill in one surveyform bout cca.blahblahblahs.she taught us how to reach our goals for our exams.OH, I'M SO GOING TO FOLLOW IT.I WANNA PASS ALL SUBJECTS IN MID-YEAR must workhard to reach that goal.means must studystudystudy.revisereviserevisei will do it! Exams here i come.lollsSchool ended.2.30pmwent to find th same peeps.walk to woodlands ring thr then bus-d to admiralty.hahas.guess what i took, MILO MACFLURY!i like eat this almost everyday once i tried.nevermind, it's like freaking yummy:DDi hope i don't grow fatt.argghhhhhThen Paterlin train-d home.i walked home.Sorry peeps, i currently have no pictures as i don't have my fone ]:i'll get one soon:DLabels: your not mine and i'm not your's:D
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @ 9:36 PM
then my sister and i train-d to my grandparents house-Chinatown.
go thr then they say want go AngMoKio.
waste my time ehs!
go thr eat dinner lorhhs.
my cousins mind corrrupted ones can.
perverts!Say what fishballs and sausage then laughlaugh.
then zilian with home almost of all those pictures.
TodayAte breakfast with Catherine with my sister and ShanShan at Macdonalds.
Me and Catherine and My sister and ShanShan like in different worlds.we talking different topics, sit away from each other.then train-d and bus-d to school.YAYS!backgate open no need walk so much.then polish boots.ShiWei help me polish ehs.she's so nice.THANKYOUU!!!changed into full-U then usual then GOH and th supporting contigent fall-in agains in different real thing liaos.Th guest-of-honor come so long can.stand thr legs numb no more strenght still must stand.almost cried and faint.lolls.Th sun is like super hot.blahblahblahs~Go with Catherine.took group photoAfter that, lunch.then sing vesper.BYEBYE.can go home lerhhs.ltr, sit at canteen slack as th rain th tower with cardsRain stop then Me and Chanel walk home eating nachos and bubbletea.NICE andd uber YUMMY!!!:Dthen reached home bathed and sleep.lazy type lerhhs.Labels: your not mine and i'm not your's:D
Saturday, March 29, 2008 @ 5:15 PM
went GB(my cca) ,gt GOH ehs.
i gt my line yard and th crest thing.yays! not so empty lerhhs.lolls
Catherine and me was like talking all th way.
this and that cool-our topic.
though it's lame a lil'
ohs,, i learnt how to polish my boots.YAY-ness~
but haven shine, cause rain soon so must go home.sadden-fied ]:
After GB, we actually want go Chanel house ones.
but no wisky and no th greentea that we wanted.
In th end, we nvr go lorhhs.
Went to causewaypoint instead.
i ate milo macflury agains :X
Catherine ate th normal ones.
Bt i think mine nicer :D lolls
then we go find SiXian, Sheryl, Rachael and ShiWei at KFC.
wanted to eat fries so go longjohns.
then wanted to eat cheesefries so go KFC agains.
Saw JingQuan thr.HELLO.
Catherine go buy fries while i just it at thr.doing nth.lmaoooo~
i want make kinds of style.
like oneday i dress like gentle type then another day i dress like punk.blahblahs~
i super like it cans!
i so gonna buy at that clothes to make me have a different styles.LOLLLLLLLLLL
i'm like crapping.but i'm so NOT!!!!
we haven talk finish then must part lerhhs.
nevermind, tmr go GOH so we can talk agains.
Grandpa's birthdays today!
going out soon.
celebrate his birthday.Labels: just love♥
Friday, March 28, 2008 @ 6:20 PM
Today,went school earlier.finally[:thought got lit test then wanted to read.Thankyou Varsha say don't have. then i don't need like a moron reading for no test?! lollsthen th slient-reading Varsha and i were like chatting.Lit class, almost th whole class never do th holidays homework can.i think almost all gave th same excuse, ' i don't understand ' or ' i don't know how to do'After lit is PE, we had to like run two rounds(outside school)i run slow,, two rounds is like 10minutes 5seconds.sadden ]:i must like train to pass or else fail NAPFA.lollsjiayous~then was recess.Paterlin and me drank watermelon juice.super nice:Dthen go hall.keep greeting MrKoa, so long cans.Chinese class, i am like just waiting for time to pass then school end!First 15minutes, RJ(i don't like him), Kristine and XiuQi got th ke qian san fen zhong.Kristine's like so cute thr , XiuQi too.they like paiseh paisehs one.After school, i go to Causewaypoint with Ashley and Paterlin.went macs.oh my freaking, th milo macflury is like uber nice.YUMMY!then Paterlin come to my house.she went home liaos ]:she's so nice.she changed my blogskin.hehesJust finish dinner.i'm like eating so much.growing fatter]:Arghhs,, must on diet lerhhs.I'm missing my's stolen ]`;Labels: just love♥
Thursday, March 27, 2008 @ 6:45 PM
HELLO.Today's class is like super boring.Maths is like uber boring.i was like sleeping.lollsI'm like so waiting for th time to 1pm.Then can go BUGIS fastfast:DAfter school, Kristine, XiuQi and me went to causewaypoint buy our donuts then train-d to bugis.Th stop at admiralty we saw Catherine[: So she joined us.We were like crapping and laughing in th train cans.
Finally, we reached first thing we did, buy food!yummy[Xthen we go bugis street shop:DDwe at first window-shop then decided to buy clothes.XiuQi bought black skinnies, belt and th black hoddie.Kristine bought black cardigan and th light grey hoddie.Catherine bought pink tube and a belt.ME, i bought a light grey halter and th grey hoddie.I spent my money like on lend kristine and xiuqi lahs.Then everyone must go byebye bugis.lollsthen we discuss what to buy next time.hehes.we first time go town together fun XDtrain-d back to admiralty then walk home.lollsonline now.i played my friend's stead.he ask me ones:Xhe don't like th girl.lmao~dinner soon.i'm hungry...takecares people.LOVE♥
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @ 11:05 PM
HELLO.ohs,,this is th first post:Dnothing special.i did my homework(some really hard ones,i skip it[:)i never copy like finally.lollstoday lessons=BORING!gt history, maths, science, english, chinese-th class is like so freaking hot hot how to study,use common sense can mood study.but got listen abitbit.After school, SuYing, XuiQi, Kristine and me went to say.lollsgoodnights people.
L O V ELabels: idon'tneedyourloveanymore
I'm Vicki Ng Wan Ting,
& I study in Christ Church Secondary.
I want to have double eyelids and dimples.
Which I know, it's immpossible for me to get.
I hope to have flawless skin and be tall. I want to have beauty as well as brains.
Play me 'River flows in you' on the piano.
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